Maybe this is going to be the "more" that is appropriate....
I listened to a dope ass version of Martin Luther Kings Jr's speech that recent weekend. A sick ass beat, I think a Sade track...
I listened to it with new ears......
See....the spirit in which it was taught, the way we hear it, leaves us, or at least me, with a feeling of Complete Past Tense.
"I had A Dream" but in the context, "had a dream and the shit didn't work" least that's the world I live in.
So for years, I knew it was important, knew you don't get assassinated if you are not feared, know evil men fear good men. I knew he was a good man, and this love should be further spread.
But with these new ears I realized ....
He actually had a dream, the kind you get while you're sleeping.
Anyway, it made me think about how it's true what KRS-1 says.
"We all hear that 'I had a dream,' speech a lot...but no where does it manifest but in Hip Hop."
But this is only true of the speech....
The Spirit of the speech...
love all men and women equal because ALL men and women will be better off in this environment...
(Research for the Math that makes that TRUE)
Bonsai has this effect on us too.
Blinds People from evils.
Anyway, this is a pot that has a fucked up effect on me...and I won't share the rest until likes or otherwise tell me people are really reading and paying attention.
This Pot has a Song.
Too Soriginal....
And perfect too!
Are you ready for this?
Am I?