At one time, the Japanese imported a lot of bonsai pots from China. Then, they developed their own pots using the Chinese pots as a template.Vance, the costs of a decent, older imported Japanese pot is now sometime less (sometimes by as much as $100 or more) than those produced by domestic potters. For large pots, this seems especially true. I know I could not get a 24"x 12" custom or already-made pot from Ron Lang, Bryan Albright, Sara Rayner or others for what I paid for the Japanese pot.
An 18 " rectangle from Sara costs about $450, according to her web site. I am on the market for a REALLY big new pot ("30 x 7" x 18" or so) for my oak. I've priced domestically-made, custom for it. Those pots come in at $1,500-$2,000. I can get a big Chinese pot for half or a third that. Haven't visited Matt's place in Maryland yet, but I'd like to see if he has anything that big --once pots imported from Japan get much over 20" or so, shipping costs can change dramatically from what I understand...
I am definitely going to keep buying pots from domestic and western potters, as I tend to prefer what they make. However, with the way things are in Japan economically, imports have become more practically competitive. There are simply more pots in Japan and that surplus is not being used. They're currently a commodity to the Japanese and are being sold off overseas.
Now, as the Chinese economy has strengthened as the Japanese economy has stagnated, the Chinese are going to Japan and buying back many of those old Chinese pots.
So, what appears to be happening is antique Chinese pot prices remain high, but high quality antique Japanese pots (and semi-antique Japanese pots) are priced aggressively. The Chinese aren't buying the Japanese pots.
So, while the prices of antique Chinese pots remain high, it is possible to aquire excellent old Japanese pots at reasonable prices.
These old pots have a patina that can only be produced with decades of use. It's like bark on a tree. It takes time.