Yamadori Spring Natives Contest **idea**


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Greater Chicago area (NE Illinois)
Since people love hunting yamadori in springtime, either in their backyard or somewhere nearby where they live (I know yamadori's come from the mountains ;)). I was thinking about a contest that shines a light on native trees throughout the world/in your area. I hope this is not too bold of a suggestion as a newbie to this forum. People on this forum live all over the world, so the native species will vary. I love the notion of growing native trees that get the extra boost from the synergy they have with their environment. I think it will be super interesting to get a diverse taste of native trees from lots of different areas. I think 3 years sounds good for the contest's duration. Much can be done with a semi-mature collected tree in that amount of time. We could also make the contest "Yard-adori", where you have to choose something in your yard if there are concerns of lack of options due to people living in heavily populated areas. I actually collected a few trees from my backyard just last week😁. May as well make invasives acceptable since 1. They are often times as common as natives 2. You'll do the environment a favor by removing them. At the end of the contest, you have to choose 1 out of the 2 as your final submission. We'll enter two as a safety net in case 1 doesnt make the transfer from wild to container. This contest is not only a test of styling, but also a test of plant care and overall yamadori skill. Some will not have 1 tree left at the end of the 3 years. I am thinking one final rule to keep things closer in size... the base of the trunk must be 2.5inches or under at the time of collection.

OK, is any1 interested in participating? Would love/appreciate any ideas or suggestions anyone cares to offer. If not, thanks for your time and making it through the rant😅.

I think it would be more fun as a deciduous collected native trees contest. Maybe laid out like this.
Yardadori/landscape trees, and invasives can't enter the competition.

Must be wild collected trees, woods, fence rows, fields whatever, but nature planted.

I dont think the size limitation matters so much, they take much longer to develop and heal the large trunk chops when large, the majority of the time.

Maybe at the end of the year do the first judging on the trees the participants have collected, maybe with different categories.
I guess @Cajunrider isn't allowed to participate?
I will not enter with a BC.
I think it would be more fun as a deciduous collected native trees contest. Maybe laid out like this.
Yardadori/landscape trees, and invasives can't enter the competition.

Must be wild collected trees, woods, fence rows, fields whatever, but nature planted.

I dont think the size limitation matters so much, they take much longer to develop and heal the large trunk chops when large, the majority of the time.

Maybe at the end of the year do the first judging on the trees the participants have collected, maybe with different categories.
2.5" at the base is definitely not even close to a semi-mature BC. 2.5 ft may be.
I will not enter with a BC.

2.5" at the base is definitely not even close to a semi-mature BC. 2.5 ft may be.
What is a BC?? Thought 2.5 was reasonable but am open to different ideas… I didn’t want to suggest a contest where people are digging up monsters everywhere lol. My thinking was if some people are digging up smaller trees, and some people are digging up giants, the people with the more mature trees will have a bit of an edge.
What is a BC?? Thought 2.5 was reasonable but am open to different ideas… I didn’t want to suggest a contest where people are digging up monsters everywhere lol. My thinking was if some people are digging up smaller trees, and some people are digging up giants, the people with the more mature trees will have a bit of an edge.
BC= bald cypress
Well, given the fact that spring doesn’t start for a week… We have some time for people to decide whether or not they want to participate. I see there is a previous contest that is similar although, if anybody is so inclined to do this contest as well… All are welcome aboard! What do people think about 4 inch and under base of trunk?
I think the only native deciduous tree where I live is probably illegal to collect unless I can find a property owner willing to allow it.

Coast live oaks are all over my property, but they are evergreens. Valley oaks are native and deciduous but a lot less common here. I think both are protected here.
What is a BC?? Thought 2.5 was reasonable but am open to different ideas… I didn’t want to suggest a contest where people are digging up monsters everywhere lol. My thinking was if some people are digging up smaller trees, and some people are digging up giants, the people with the more mature trees will have a bit of an edge.
I’m game.
Maybe 5” and under is better? Or
Personally, I don’t really see a need for a size restriction. I feel like ginormous trees will likely be under the chopping block and therefore need to grow out for a very long time. Perhaps diminishing any real advantage

I won’t be digging up anything five or more inches that’s for sure,
This collected buckthorn, is around 6 inches at the base depending on where you measure. Since I had to chop it greatly, you can imagine how long it would take to make this not look like a stump.IMG_3297.jpeg
I would participate. Collected several trees these last few weeks.

I also don’t see a need for the size restriction. I think restricting to broadleaf species (no conifers but evergreen being OK), would make for easier comparison.
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