So my Serissa has had a rough life, back in the fall, it took a fall; my wife caught it with her purse, and hurled it down the stairs. It was knocked out of it’s pot, and broke a major branch reducing it by almost half.
I put it back in it’s pot with the same soil which was fairly new, I had just re-potted it about a month prior to this incident.
Anyways, it seemed like it recovered from this, with time I moved it inside and put it under a light ( I live in New England btw), and it still seemed alright. Well, after about two months it just started dropping it’s leaves, not sure what happened. I’ve had it under the same light (in the same place) before and it did alright. I was giving it “Dr. Earth” 2-4-2 for a bit because I thought the roots had been damaged. only for about a month I was feeding it this and usually in the winter I slow down from weekly to every two weeks or even less. Once again this was just a short while normally I go with a higher nitrogen. I did switch it up eventually to “joyfull Dirt” 8-3-5. And it started to shoot up some leaves.
Which is where I’m at now, below there should be a picture of the tree now, I’ve had it for about 7-8 years, and never have seen it look this bad.
So not sure what went wrong, the light (which I also included a pic of.) maybe I need to change the spectrum?
Maybe it’s the feeding, I should also mention that it has always been granular fed, and that this winter there was a lack in feeding, I’ve always have done organic and just didn’t have time to pick up fert.
Also maybe I’ve over watered, it’s always liked a wetter foot. But maybe with all that happened it just couldn’t dry out enough?
so my question is should I leave it be, and see what happens, or give it fresh soil? I usually wait till it’s pretty hot to transplant but, with it’s condition it’s in now maybe I should rush that order?
Any suggestions?
I put it back in it’s pot with the same soil which was fairly new, I had just re-potted it about a month prior to this incident.
Anyways, it seemed like it recovered from this, with time I moved it inside and put it under a light ( I live in New England btw), and it still seemed alright. Well, after about two months it just started dropping it’s leaves, not sure what happened. I’ve had it under the same light (in the same place) before and it did alright. I was giving it “Dr. Earth” 2-4-2 for a bit because I thought the roots had been damaged. only for about a month I was feeding it this and usually in the winter I slow down from weekly to every two weeks or even less. Once again this was just a short while normally I go with a higher nitrogen. I did switch it up eventually to “joyfull Dirt” 8-3-5. And it started to shoot up some leaves.
Which is where I’m at now, below there should be a picture of the tree now, I’ve had it for about 7-8 years, and never have seen it look this bad.
So not sure what went wrong, the light (which I also included a pic of.) maybe I need to change the spectrum?
Maybe it’s the feeding, I should also mention that it has always been granular fed, and that this winter there was a lack in feeding, I’ve always have done organic and just didn’t have time to pick up fert.
Also maybe I’ve over watered, it’s always liked a wetter foot. But maybe with all that happened it just couldn’t dry out enough?
so my question is should I leave it be, and see what happens, or give it fresh soil? I usually wait till it’s pretty hot to transplant but, with it’s condition it’s in now maybe I should rush that order?
Any suggestions?