Whats your Username Origin or meaning?

A surgeon fish - Acanthurus japonicus AKA Powder Brown Tang
I had a PBT when I first got started. Great fish and unfortunately it had ick and didn’t survive. Now I have a 2-spot bristletooth, not as exciting, but still a cool tang.
I had a PBT when I first got started. Great fish and unfortunately it had ick and didn’t survive. Now I have a 2-spot bristletooth, not as exciting, but still a cool tang.
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I still have my custom 100g acrylic tank standing on end in the corner of a spare bedroom.
Also have 2 Lifereef sumps, one is a custom 41” I would be happy to part with.
The Lifereef skimmers sold very quickly. Never put the sumps up for sale.
I have a couple of videos of the sump that cleans up after itself if you have any interest.
I’m more than happy to be rid of the money pit.
My username has been a go to for everything since around 2004. I don't remember what it was for, maybe my DeviantArt page, Gmail beta, or a skateboarding forum. Maybe even goes back to 2000 and was my StarCraft handle... Whatever it was "PigPen" was already taken, and that's what I came up with. Between working on cars, being a ceramicist, my hygiene, love of outdoors or my sense of humor it kinda works for everything. The hardest part these days is I am not all that much of a kid.
What is it with bonsai people and reef tanks? There seems to be an unusually strong correlation between interest in tiny trees and sea life.
Before bonsai, I had a 75 salt reef with all five species of dwarf lionfish, numerous soft corals, and polyps. At the time, I also had a 37 with a splendid toadfish and a stonefish. The toadfish could send you to the emergency room, but the stonefish could send you to the morgue. I received many questions about why my collection was compromised of venomous and poisonous species. I got stuck by one of the dwarf lions while cleaning the tank, and it made your regular bee sting seem like a mosquito bite. My index finger looked like a bratwurst for about a week.
Before bonsai, I had a 75 salt reef with all five species of dwarf lionfish, numerous soft corals, and polyps. At the time, I also had a 37 with a splendid toadfish and a stonefish. The toadfish could send you to the emergency room, but the stonefish could send you to the morgue. I received many questions about why my collection was compromised of venomous and poisonous species. I got stuck by one of the dwarf lions while cleaning the tank, and it made your regular bee sting seem like a mosquito bite. My index finger looked like a bratwurst for about a week.
And I thought my idea of poison oak bonsai was edgy.😬
User name is my nickname. My father said that he was going to have the toughest kid on the block and he was going to call me Muggs after muggsy Malone. I WAS the toughest kid on the block for 18 mounths…then when my sister was born.
User name is my nickname. My father said that he was going to have the toughest kid on the block and he was going to call me Muggs after muggsy Malone. I WAS the toughest kid on the block for 18 mounths…then when my sister was born.
You too! Welcome to the nut house friend!


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