I have been trying hard to develop one Eucalyptus deglupta (Rainbow eucalyptus). They bud back easily but only on well lignified branch. Anything they don't like and they will just drop the whole branch. The leaves are big but I expect them to reduce just fine. It's just that I never got one tree to that level. I've had many succumbing to freeze and lost some to storm (my bad luck).
I now down to just one tree in a grow box. The trunk is 1.5" and short (3"). The part of the trunk above that are dead to freezing. I have 3 long branches (3.5 ft) 5/8" diameter growing from it. I can't afford for it to drop any branches so I am allowing it to grow freely without any cutback this year.i
By the way, I've searched high and low for a bona fide rainbow eucalyptus bonsai and have not found any. I either find pre-bonsai stuff similar to my own or fake ones.
I'll post a picture of the one I have left tonight when I get home.
Until I am able to get one good enough to move from grow box to bonsai pot, I would say that it is a difficult one for me. Mind you I just start out 3 years ago but I now have a few trees that, although still in grow boxes, I can easily see that they will be bonsai. However, I've never been able to get to the point where I can comfortably say that I can turn a rainbow eucalyptus tree into a bonsai.