What Is On Your Layering Schedule With Spring Here


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NW Montucky
The deciduous trees are waking up. What are your air layering plans and schedule?
Me, what I think to be a Prunus Persica (peach), Fuyugaki “fuyu” Persimmon and an Acer Palmatum.

Anybody got info on the fuyu or worked with them? The neighbor is letting me take a layer. 35 plus years old with dark gray chunky park.
I am layering some maples. I put a layer on a trident in fall, one on a palmatum around christmas and this weekend I will be putting one more on a palmatum, and another once the palmatum has expanded the foliage. Curious to see whether there is a benefit in layering early.
benefit in layering early.

If you ask me, the benefit is getting it done!

I seem to put it off till a moving x all year then don't do em!

I guess there's none I MUST do, just would like to.

Hopefully this thread forces my hand.

I will be separating an elm layer, probably this weekend. And hopefully cutting a few maple layers. One trident and a few branches off of a j. Maple.

I always figured it was best to layer while in leaf, for better water transport. But I think Sorce is right, the benefit of now is getting it done.
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