What fungicide do you use?

How much time and money do you have invested in your trees at this point?
This is easy to say when most of your trees are $20-$30 shrubs you bought at a landscape nursery 2 years ago.

If it was a tree you had spent $250 on when you bought it and/or had worked on it for 10+ years to develop it where it might be worth $500 or more, would you still compost the tree? Or would you do something more to prevent a problem or save the tree if it had a fungal attack?
Thats true. I hope I get to the point where I'd act on something significantly abnormal on a hi value tree. The items I mentioned have taken care of pests thus far. Right now I'm dealing w a bunch of green caterpillar eating leaves. They'll morph soon hopefully been having to deal w them for a week now

Doesn't help there's an oak tree up above my setup for the caterpillars
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good for you and to each their own.

i use neem/soap/water or hydrogen peroxide. if a condition arose that those options couldnt take care of id probably compost the tree. im just not going to open the door to treating trees with stuff like that because i think itd be easy to assume something needs it when it really doesnt. especially if all other horticulture ground rules are being taken care of, thatll do or itll die.
Good for you.
And me too!

I use the same and have not had any serious problems for over a decade now.
Last year, I threw away my decade old partially used bottle of Daconyl..
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