I have & have used Zerotol, Daconil, Thiophonate Methyl (in varying products), Captan, Mancozeb, Myclobutanil, Copper, Phyton27, and Propiconazole. Neem is also somewhat fungicidal ...and a mix of milk & water is an effective treatment for powdery mildew. Lime sulfur and Horticultural Oil are other products I've used that list fungicidal properties.
So far this year I've only applied ThioMyl (Infuse Granular) ...about 6 weeks ago. I'll probably make an application of Daconil in an effort to prevent needlecast soon, and a few weeks after refresh the Thiomyl/Infuse Granular as well. Years past I would've sprayed Mancozeb preventively on junipers, but I think I'm going to let it ride until I see issues.
After dormant season sprays (Oil & LS) and a move to full-sun (or close to it), I'm noticing a LOT LESS disease pressure (though not necessarily none) this year. Oh, and better spacing/placement of/between trees as well. (Fast draining, inorganic soil is beneficial as well.) Preventing conditions that lead to the need for fungicides is better than having to figure out what disease you're dealing with, then figuring out what spray (EFFECTIVELY) treats that disease, ...and then figuring out what you have to don to safely apply the spray. I get that its not always possible to eliminate the disease pressure due to locale, ...but I think its worth doing the things that you can.