Dealt with a different type of trunk chop - this one by Mother Nature. Ripped all wires out of the house and landed on the back of my car. Seemed like a good excuse to stay home and continue with the repotting.
Worked 9 hours on the website I'm in charge of for my job and ran home and slammed a protien shake for dinner then went and showed off the new Milwaukee Bonsai society test website to the board. I got WordPress all installed for them at the beginning of the month. We are still trying to pick out a theme.
I forgot to post this guy I repotted yesterday. They were potted in pea gravel which made me irrationally angry and also made it so the soil didn't really hold moisture. Did the four point tie-down
Also if someone could get the US government to go back to fighting Russian hackers I might be able to stop working long enough to repot trees again