What did it cost?


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I just read part of an old thread discussing some people’s reluctance to reveal what they paid for a tree. It reminded me of an evening I put together for leaders in Boy Scouts. I got together an assortment of people with hobbies that would possibly interest the boys. Each of the presenters discussed ways to introduce boys to the hobbys. They were also willing to go share the hobby with the boys. One guy talked about mountain biking and he had a couple of his bikes there with him. At the end of his presentation he was asked how much he had paid for his bikes. There was a long silence and then he said, “You don’t really expect me to answer that out loud do you? I’m sure that if I do it will get back to my wife.”
I find that there is an inverse relationship between what people pay for some and their inclination to speak the words. When it's cheap they shout it form the rooftops because it shows them as smart traders. When it's pricey, it sounds like bragging and many people are modest.
Just another pretend market.

"The reef tank owner biggest fear is when he dies his wife will sell all fishes and corals for the price he told her he payed"
Yup, the same saying goes around about bonsaipots.

In general I do not like to talk about money, and how much I spend on what. Nobodies business. Then again, if you are trying to help people het into the hobby, it helps for them to be aware that some of the best trees were build using trunks that in themselves already costs upwards from 1000 bucks. And that some of them were grown from airlayers = free material.

You can do bonsai at any pricepoint and as cheap as you want to make it. I really like to work with plants I got for near-nothing by going on garden digs etc. It also means that the progress of my trees is often slow, taking a 2 year hit already post-digging. Or as my teacher called it the other day "You do not mind having lots of projects standing around; When are you going to make some bonsai?"
I'm more likely to talk about cost when I think I've gotten a good deal - a real bargain. If others are like that too, it seems like it would lead to bargain pricing appearing to be the norm. That's all anyone sees. Seems bad for the business of bonsai as a whole.
When I was a kid, I kept freshwater tropical fish. Nothing too exotic. I wasn't very good at keeping them alive. I kept a running average of the cost per fish. That might be an interesting metric to apply to bonsai.
I’m cheap. My most expensive trees so far were $50 or less except one massive “poodles” boxwood that didn’t survive its repot. That one was $100 and I was sad it didn’t make it. Almost everything I have is a small clearance plant or still early development. I’m mainly focusing on horticulture right now and learning to keep my trees alive and grow the roots and trunks out. Once I get better material grown or purchased I’ll start making bonsai. No rush!
My wife says nothing about what I spend on my hobbies. As long as the bills are paid and there’s money in the bank then what I do with my “play“ money is my business. Those are her words, not mine. My reluctance to discuss what I pay for things comes from the fact that no matter what, whoever I’m telling what I paid for something can always seem to get me a better deal, in their own opinion anyway.
lol, very recently had that experience with someone in my club.
I think that kind of thing is very rarely genuine....its like the "1-upper" mentality.
They will always say something like that....no matter what.
I do wonder about those types....known a few in my days. After a while its like, "dude, you do realize that no one believes anything you say, right...?"
I can't say I remember what I paid for something. My husband said its not about the money but the joy they bring. But a deal...many like to brag over deals. I think its in our nature when we feel that we found a gem for less. But...unless you are working on a deal for purchasing/selling a tree. Money shouldn't be discussed. Unless the owner discloses on their own without encouragement.
I think that kind of thing is very rarely genuine....its like the "1-upper" mentality.
They will always say something like that....no matter what.
I do wonder about those types....known a few in my days. After a while its like, "dude, you do realize that no one believes anything you say, right...?"
I used to work with a guy very much like this in a small workshop and it used to grind all of our gears something rotten. Anyway, unbeknownst to either of us, I am very good mates with his cousin, which I discovered after putting two and two together when discussing a family wedding with my mate. I caught the other fella in quite a heinous bragging lie and so shut him down there and then I front of our colleagues so he’d know they all knew and gave him quite a lecture.

A bit harsh maybe, but so satisfying to finally get him shut up and think about his bullsh*t before he spouts it, at least around us. The workshop dynamic definitely improved after that.
Oh my... drives me crazy! Constantly people ask about my boat, how much fuel costs? how much did the boat cost? Seems rude to me. If you have to ask, you can't afford it! is the answer I want to give.

Truth is I've had it 15yrs and rebuilt every part of it myself, on a budget. It's better on fuel than many outboard powered fish boats and every cruiser out there. It's 30yrs old and towed by my 20yr old truck. I've always worked 2 jobs until I retired from the Fire Dept.

In the end I usually tell them because I feel rude not answering their rude azz questions. shrug

I'm rich because of my wife, 6 awesome grandchildren and a sister who allows me to stay at her place in Florida. I still live paycheck to paycheck and have no money but we do pretty much anything we want as often as we can.
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