What are your pesky bonsai weeds?


How it feels sometimes
Diluted Roundup or full strength?
I now have oxalis and Irish moss pretty well under control in the pots. I use full strength, undiluted glyphosate. Wipe it on the leaves of weeds with a paintbrush whenever you see them. Need to be diligent for a couple of years to catch any germinating from seed in the soil but it can be done.
I have an awful problem with Oxalis...but it only affects my tropicals and not my Junipers (which, in summer, are close together). Anyone have a reason for that? Maybe that my Junipers are in an unheated garage in Maine during winter and the cold kills the Oxalis???
I have an awful problem with Oxalis...but it only affects my tropicals and not my Junipers (which, in summer, are close together). Anyone have a reason for that? Maybe that my Junipers are in an unheated garage in Maine during winter and the cold kills the Oxalis???
My junipers have less oxalis, but it's not absent.
I think oxalis might be inhibited somewhat by the presence of juniper roots.
Maybe junipers send out some volatile compound that oxalis doesn't like. Or simply the fact that junipers colonize a pot quite fast and leave very little room for any weeds.
Interesting observation though! Worth looking in to!
The Irish moss on the gravel, I just remove manually.
Its the moss on the trunks that is the bigger problem
Vinegar kills Irish Moss
I've brushed pure vinegar on the moss with a hobby paint brush and at times sprayed a 50% mixture directly on the tree with no ill effects
I should die and fall off on its own but I usually pick it off with tweezers if I want it gone faster
Does Trident maple qualify as a weed? I have to pull hundreds of trident seedlings out of the pots. Certainly more than any other real weed now that the oxalis is under control.
Tridents are also weeds in the garden beds.
Despite selling around 10,000 trident seedlings each year we seem to hardly make a dent in the numbers and each spring there are more.
Dandelions, stinging nettle, crabgrass. In the garden there’s tons more. Foxtail, pokeweed, and even datura.
It’s the winged elm seedlings that drive me crazy every year. I don’t expect them to be as bad this year since two big ones had to be removed last year.
So oxalis is bad for soil? I would miss them.
I stay on top of weeds so that’s at least one thing that doesn’t plague me. But I refuse to buy anything with Irish moss in the pot, not worth it spreading to my yard
Not all worms are created equal. Not sure what worm he's speaking of, but I'm assuming some sort of parasitic worm.

Yeah. If it's a parasitic worm, wouldn't it be good for the oxalis to catch it? That sounds like a reason to promote oxalis growth.
Oxalis is a vector for the spread of root nematodes.
I've heard they're not just vectors but also have pores and loops in their root system in which some nematodes get stuck and digested.
That information is anecdotal though.
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