Nice work! It's coming along very nicely.
Really nice BVF. When you and some of the more experienced folks at BNUT post trees i'm always impressed at how well organized the branches appear, and how the shape of the tree is so apparent when you are done styling. i want to be able to do that. You folks set the bar damn high.
How long will you leave the wire on?
? how well organized the branches appear, and how the shape of the tree is so apparent when you are done styling. i want to be able to do that. You folks set the bar damn high.
How long will you leave the wire on?
Not at all....make me an offer ;-)that would go nicely on my bench-mind if I try it out?
I'm seeing more and more of these corkscrew junipers. They are starting to be almost as common as S trunk elms. Why do they cost so much?
Also from what I'm seeing is that everyone wants one.Why? Is is because they are yamadoriesque? I'm probably going to get hammered for bringing this up but they kind of seem like expensive mallsai.
They remind me of a pigs tail.
Let fly!
Burn it, it's the Camry of bonsai.
I happen to like Camrys alot...great mid level sedans. This one's going to be a good one, Brian...another one of your trees I'd like to have in my backyard.