Need some help on deciding between ashinaga and classic shears. I'm a novice and have my first bonsai class later this month. I plan on only working with azalea, pines, and junipers with junipers being the focus. I don't like having no options but having too many is just as bad. The Wazakura kits I'm looking at don't have classic included. The have ashinaga and satsuki or ashinaga and twig. My question is are the classics better than ashinaga? I was thinking of asking them to swap out the ashinaga for a classic but only if its recommended. I have to admit I like the butterfly classics look...
This is what I'm looking at
Would that be a good beginners kit?
This is what I'm looking at

6PCS Bonsai Professional Tool Kit [ Ashinaga & Twig Scissors + 4 Cutters ]
6PCS bonsai professional tool kit includes a concave, knob, and wire cutters Jin Pliers, yasugi satsuki and twig scissors and tool roll case. Made in Japan, great for advanced learners and professionals! [Free Shipping in US, CA, and UK]

Would that be a good beginners kit?
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