Help identifying Bonsai Tool and Pot


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Hello, I have inherited a pot and a pair of shears. I was hoping that someone here might be able/willing
to tell me something about these pieces. Thank you.


The pot looks like it could be Tongrae, which I think is a Korean manufacturer that made pots in the ‘80-90s. Basing this on clay body, shape, and glaze. I don’t specifically remember them doing one that is banded, but that doesn’t mean much.
It is a nice pot. Are you into Bonsai or is this a push to get you started?
It is a nice pot. Are you into Bonsai or is this a push to get you started?
I don't really know, I haven't had good luck with plants. I'm afraid Bonsai might be way too far outside my poor capabilities.
I may just need to sell them to someone who cold get use out of them. I'd hate for them to go to waste.
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I agree! The last few years doing this has been very rewarding for me as well...
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