New bonsai tree enthusiast and need help identifying the tree

Compare the olive leaf photo next to the OP's leaf photo.


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Some variety of narrow leaf schefflera (Taiwan? )
Olive growth in my garden, still looks wrong to me


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thank you everyone for your replies :) I guess we still don't know what species it is.

Is there much difference of care for olive or some other species that you think it is? Can I follow some guide that you can recommend to take of it? Don't know if it's normal but starting to see that a few leafs are starting to fall off already
@Dzhokar here's the picture of the underside
The olives I'm familiar with have a more silvery green underside. But still leaning towards a type of olive. Based on leaf shape, bark, and how the growing tips look.
I've killed every olive I've tried to keep so not gonna give advice there :P
Hopefully you get a more positive ID!
Olives can be variable in leaf shape but these are not like any Olea I have experienced. New shoots are also unlike olive. There are a few other less common plants that have olive as part of the common name - Russian olive (elaeagnus), Fragrant olive (Omanthus), autumn olive (another elaeagnus), etc so not all plants sold as 'olives' are Olea species
New growth is also not typical of any of the Australian branch of brush cherry family I know. Leaves are usually wider as shown above by @rockm but I don't know the South American branch of the family at all.
Ficus are easy to ID with tips of new shoots enclosed in a sheath as well as the latex sap.
The olives I'm familiar with have a more silvery green underside. But still leaning towards a type of olive. Based on leaf shape, bark, and how the growing tips look.
European olive has silvery underside of leaf but the African sub-species usually has green undersides along with smaller fruit. We get olives with leaves in many shades of green and silver in the feral self seeded invasive trees here.
Ya know, I have an Arctic Willow with similar leaves and the stems are closer, too...
Aren’t there a BUNCH of olive trees??

Shibui is right the new growth..

But I feel that the foliage is SO similar to several olives I’ve seen.. that if it’s another species..

...It’s an Oleafolia HAHAHA

(It does look surprisingly like the Arctic Willow, too.. but I think LACKS one or two “Salix dead-give-aways.”
its not an olive or willow this will be one of the common mallsai species sold in the uk as it is quite obviously a mass produced tree. I still think it is a Syzygium cultivar probably Syzygium Buxifolium as shown in the photo below. These are common as mallsai here it wont be a wacky or rare species as it is mass produced tree.1631106985130.png
its not an olive or willow this will be one of the common mallsai species sold in the uk as it is quite obviously a mass produced tree. I still think it is a Syzygium cultivar probably Syzygium Buxifolium as shown in the photo below. These are common as mallsai here it wont be a wacky or rare species as it is mass produced tree.View attachment 396663
Dang! I would have THOUGHT Olives where common by you guys.

Dang! I would have THOUGHT Olives where common by you guys.

They are common as bonsai and garden center/nursery plants, but not common as mass produced bonsai trees. The mass produced trees are grown in Asia and shipped to the UK, commonly encountered mallsai here include chinese elm, syzygium, serrisa, buxus, carmona, podocarpus, sageretia, privet and ficus microcarpa
They are common as bonsai and garden center/nursery plants, but not common as mass produced bonsai trees. The mass produced trees are grown in Asia and shipped to the UK, commonly encountered mallsai here include chinese elm, syzygium, serrisa, buxus, carmona, podocarpus, sageretia, privet and ficus microcarpa
@Lutonian yeah that looks like mine, awesome thank you. now need to google how to take of it. thank you everyone
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