Thinking of picking these up...


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Looking to get one of the maples and the bougainvillea. I'm too new to see any problems. I do plan on picking up a number of other nursery stock to grow out, but figured these might be fun in the mean time. Maples are 70 and the bougainvillea is 30. Prices seem very good compared to what I see online, as well as the trees themselves. Any comments or problems that anyone can see? Thanks in advance!

That maple...I see no taper to the trunk. That...stands out to me. Now...I must admit...I'm a sucker for bougainvillea. But the trunk in this instance seems to have more character than the maple above it. Now...I can't tell if there maybe a reverse taper up in that shadow area. But...if I had to choose...I would go with the bougainvillea. That's me personally...
I agree with @Cadillactaste and $70 sounds like a lot to me due to the lack of really nice features on the maple.
The bougainvillea looks much nicer to me.
For 30 bucks I'd be snapping that Bougie up, even if you trunk chopped it where the shadow begins it'd still be worth it.
Also I like both of the pots but can't speak too much of Maples to say one way or the other.
I like the maple despite lack of taper but it looks like it'll need some serious carving up top. If you're game for that, it could make a nice squat little tree. I say do what speaks to you right now. If you're so new to this that you don't have any opinion, maybe set that $70 aside and get something next year. It has taken me about 2.5 years just to form a solid confident opinion about what I like and look for in a tree.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I have actually only been looking at local nurseries for grow out stock, my wife just happened to come across these. I'm not trying to rush, so having something to work on wouldn't be a deal killer for me. As far as the maples, my plan would have been to grow it out a little more as GGB suggested. Because of the size of the leaves of rubrum, I had planned on doing a 2-4 foot tree (not sure of the name for that size) so I thought one of these might fit the bill for something of that size? Kinda like a nice head start, because from what I could see from local nurseries, I'd be spending the same amount on a rubrum in a 15g pot anyway.

I was also thinking possible reverse taper, but wasn't sure if the tree was maybe just turned the wrong way in the pic.
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If I had the first maple, I might try something to put in movement. Repot at an angle similar to red line. Chop at red line, and a year or two later, carve yellow. Rebuild the lower left limb, and train right limb as new apex.


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I do plan on picking up a number of other nursery stock to grow out, but figured these might be fun in the mean time.

The Bougainvillea is a great choice for your area and being new that Maple is going to give you more headaches then joy. Spend the 70 on that nursery stock you mentioned and you will have a little bench full of learning experience! ;)


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