Wow. Have we hit the bottom of "the well" yet?
ha ha... Yes we have hit the bottom. I understand why this idea would not work on this forum now. But, it's all good!
Wow. Have we hit the bottom of "the well" yet?
I think it's a great concept and I think a lot of people could learn from this. BUT, something similar to this was tried with Walter Paul at BT a long time ago. He stopped doing it because he didn't like it when "Newbies" questioned his responses and "authority" on the subject. So maybe only humble "masters" need apply
Feels like the good old days on Bonsai Talk, by the way when is it coming back.......
I wonder if I could get my 100 bucks back.
keep it green,
Maybe only humble "newbies" need apply as well, smart-ass. That's exactly why you can count me out.
BTW, the Ryan Frye thing is solved and it will not be raised again.
Thanks for the laugh Will! It's been a long time since I've been called a "smart-ass". I have to agree with you on that though.....I have a sharp wit and sarcastic tongue at times and it doesn't usually help matters LOL true.I have found in my lifetime that I'ts better to be called a "SMART ASS than a DUMB ASS"
keep it green,
Further, I would very much like it if Grouper, Vance, Walter, Al, Tom and all of the many others whose work I respect and enjoy stick around and share what they know about bonsai. If you all overlook my MANY faults I will do my best to reciprocate.
Nice try Will but you really are a softy and we love ya for that;-)To see my name on that list, and at the TOP of it (! !), makes me think the "work" you refer to must be the efforts we put into being total jerks here! I can probably teach a lot about THAT. Bonsai? . . . not so sure.
To see my name on that list, and at the TOP of it (! !), makes me think the "work" you refer to must be the efforts we put into being total jerks here! I can probably teach a lot about THAT. Bonsai? . . . not so sure.
By the way I don't know if anyone noticed that until this rose from the nether world we have actually had a pretty productive forum, there has been actual bonsai conversation for at least the last couple of months. Hopefully the right quota has been filled.