****The Well****


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Nipomo, CA
First a bit of background: This idea is something I stole off a poker forum several years ago that was very successful on that forum. It was also implemented at a guitar forum and took off there as well. I take no credit for this idea, it's just something I believe would be beneficial for this forum.

What good is it?- I believe it would help develop this forum and establish a better sense of community. It would be a structured way of gaining more knowledge and learning about reputable Bonsai Folk on a greater basis. I used the opportunity to learn from the best poker players and improve my game. It was Fun, there was a well of knowledge, and it brought something exciting to look forward too while checking the forum.

How does it work?- A Bonsai Professional or someone who is very reputable(i.e. Walter Pall, Boon, Brent Walson, etc...) starts a thread called *****The Well*****(There Name Here). In this thread, anyone can ask whatever question they want. Whoever is in the Well (the professional) has to answer every question asked, although they can answer however they would like. If you ask a question they would not like to answer, they can just reply, "Pass." This thread lasts for a couple days, and the professional can answer whenever they have time.

example questions: How did you get into Bonsai? What type of fertilizer do you use? What do you think about the tree I just posted a picture of and how can I improve it? where do you see Bonsai going in the US? what type of instruction do you offer? Will you post a pic of your back yard? Who did you learn from? Who are your fav Bonsai Artists? ETC......

Moderation- There should be absolutely no flame wars allowed, not every question must be about Bonsai, but everything must be kept professional. Absolutely no arguing. Please try and stay on Topic. If any arguing occurs, Bonsai Nut should delete your post and kick you out of the well for that session. Either I can or the forum Moderator can start asking if some people are willing to host.

What do you think?
I promise I will not be hurt at all if you think the idea is dumb. I just enjoy seeing a community built with this forum and personally believe I would gain alot from this.
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I think it's a great concept and I think a lot of people could learn from this. BUT, something similar to this was tried with Walter Paul at BT a long time ago. He stopped doing it because he didn't like it when "Newbies" questioned his responses and "authority" on the subject. So maybe only humble "masters" need apply:D
Based on past episodes of newbies, and dum dums lambasting professionals, ie some knuckle head telling Walter Pall he din't know his bonsai from his patootie(this really happened/s) I wouldn't count on it very much.

An online study group similar to what they do at Bonsai vault might fit the bill though.

here you are again with this crap. The next time you repeat this I will sue you.
I have stopped it because the input was incredibly poor, folks did not read the rules, people were abusing this to sell the trees at ebay with my recommendations etc. And yes, there were some jerks around who made quite silly and insulting remarks. Possibly one of them was you.
Oh yes, I forgot: What exactly should be the incentive for the master in the well. Should it be enough incentive for a masochist to get spit on like you can see right here?
In the immortal words of Monty Python: and now--- for something completely different----
Awesome... do all the women who attend conventions get to sue you when you make disparaging remarks about women during demos? :D

But in reference to the question... I think it's a great idea... but one for which there would not be many people to drop themselves into the well by the standard outlined. There just aren't that many "masters" who hang out on-line. Most are too busy playing with trees to mess with being on-line... Walter is among the rare exceptions... but that has also been a vehicle for his success, so he has used technology well.

Oh yes, I forgot: What exactly should be the incentive for the master in the well. Should it be enough incentive for a masochist to get spit on like you can see right here?

So in my life time, I've basically been really into 3 differn't things. 1. Guitar 2.Poker 3. Bonsai. Each three I have been heavily into the forums.

The thing that disapoints me about Bonsai is that people argue more on Bonsai forums than any other forums I've ever been on. It seems like to me that some people actually hate another person on the forum. That's so silly. Why not take yourself less serious and chill out. Also, why not just do it for the love of Bonsai. Or why not for the growth of Bonsai in the States and in Europe. Maybe you guys are right. Maybe this forum just in not mature enought to handle something like this:(
Based on past episodes of newbies, and dum dums lambasting professionals, ie some knuckle head telling Walter Pall he din't know his bonsai from his patootie(this really happened/s) I wouldn't count on it very much.


that is Ridiculous! that type of thing should not be allowed and should be delted by the moderator. why was it not done?
Also doesn't need to just be "masters" it's true not alot of them would participate. But what about just some of the more experienced members here like Bonsai Nut and Smoke, Brent W of Evergreen.

I'd love to question some of the senior members, even just on their opinions.
You would want to know where these Tutors were coming from,for example it may be that your question is unanswerable if a different understanding of Bonsai is being made available.

1:As Art
2:A Craft
3:As a Science
4:A mysterious oriental behaviour
5:A hobby
6:Conspicuous Consumption
7:An exercise in forgone conclusions
11:Peer worship
12:Family Business
So in my life time, I've basically been really into 3 differn't things. 1. Guitar 2.Poker 3. Bonsai. Each three I have been heavily into the forums.

The thing that disapoints me about Bonsai is that people argue more on Bonsai forums than any other forums I've ever been on. It seems like to me that some people actually hate another person on the forum. That's so silly. Why not take yourself less serious and chill out. Also, why not just do it for the love of Bonsai. Or why not for the growth of Bonsai in the States and in Europe. Maybe you guys are right. Maybe this forum just in not mature enought to handle something like this:(

That is probably due to the fact that most people who do bonsai are fiercely individualistic and as such are possessors of giant egos.

here you are again with this crap. The next time you repeat this I will sue you.
I have stopped it because the input was incredibly poor, folks did not read the rules, people were abusing this to sell the trees at ebay with my recommendations etc. And yes, there were some jerks around who made quite silly and insulting remarks. Possibly one of them was you.

I see Walter just finished reading; "How to Win Friends and Influence People". Great job Walter, you keep the European stereotype alive singlehandedly....
Love it, Al!! Making Walter Pall's tirade your quote; Brilliant. Sheer brilliance!

As for Walter Pall (if you're reading this), I hope Victrinia's comment about you disrespecting women isn't accurate. You were/are one of my bonsai heroes and this kind of attitude towards women would tarnish my respect for you. Women are to be treated with the utmost respect as we were all the result of their tireless labors, literally and figuratively.:) I can only assume you were born to a woman. LOVE YOUR MOTHER, MOTHER EARTH, AND ALL WOMEN IN GENERAL!

Love it, Al!! Making Walter Pall's tirade your quote; Brilliant. Sheer brilliance!

As for Walter Pall (if you're reading this), I hope Victrinia's comment about you disrespecting women isn't accurate. You were/are one of my bonsai heroes and this kind of attitude towards women would tarnish my respect for you. Women are to be treated with the utmost respect as we were all the result of their tireless labors, literally and figuratively.:) I can only assume you were born to a woman. LOVE YOUR MOTHER, MOTHER EARTH, AND ALL WOMEN IN GENERAL!


Words mean things.....
See-----! The whole is not even dug yet and already we are throwing poop in it.

My friend, it isn't so much throwing, as reaping.

Generally being a fan of the high road... I can tell you that I vote with my feet, and just walk out when teachers fail to teach and mistake their role - falsely beliving themselves to be stand-up comedians that I wouldn't pay to watch at a dive in the heart of the city let alone a $200ish per head convention.

I have no doubt he thinks he's being hysterical. But when I've seen him talk trash about women in a room made up of more than 50% woman, and be half scolded by the convention staff as being warned not to be that way... I take it as a deliberate couldn't care less about his audience kind of attitude. I know it's been a reason for him not to be invited to a convention. No one wanted to put up with it... and that's the truth.

It's a pity too... I don't doubt his eye or his skill... just have a hard time getting to it in all the noise and bluster.

Having said my piece... I'll go off to play with trees now. The hubby is making a redwood go from looking like Cousin It to the beginings of an actual tree... :cool:


I know it's been a reason for him not to be invited to a convention. No one wanted to put up with it... and that's the truth.



Thats a larger widespread problem than you know.....;) and thats the truth...
I have spent more time with Walter than anyone here on the forum and one thing is for sure Walter is not a "Woman Hater".... sure he jokes and makes people laugh quite a bit in is workshops, and 99% of the people enjoy that and look forward to a more relaxed enviroment. If that isnt for you then that is fine, but you are the minority. I have been through dozens of workshops with Walter and one thing that you must understand is there is a cultural difference between Europeans and Americans, so when you sign up to work with a European you better expect it to be different than working with an American.

I think as a whole Americans are too up tight about things.
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