The Shohin Tree Thread

Nice, is it a Brazilian Rain Tree? Still young I guess!

A JBP neagari in training:

View attachment 319689
Yes it is a Brazilian Rain Tree and young. I am gearing more toward smaller tropicals. I only have so much space indoors to overwinter them. Dwarf Barbados Cherry. (I only have access to a few pictures at work)new dbc pot.jpg
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Did some work on a few wee willow leaf ficus yesterday. They need a bit of filling out, but I'm really happy with the radial roots, basal flare, and basic structure that can create some 3 - 4 inch trees.
Tree #1:
20200731_104708.jpg 20200731_111016.jpg

Tree #2:
20200731_111844.jpg 20200731_113831.jpg

Tree #3:
20200731_205921.jpg 20200731_220530.jpg

P.S. the stick in the first 2 trees is to separate the branches/trunks from being on the same plane.
A couple of new trees have been promoted to the Shibui Bonsai shohin bench this spring.

Buxus harlandii. Love the corky bark and smaller leaves of this species.

Cotoneaster horizontalis

Chinese elm from a root cutting.

Trident maple group

After doing that little forest and considering how many years it will be before they bulk up and fill out I decided to start with some more advanced trunks. What's the use of having hundreds of starter trees if you can't use some for yourself?
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