The Shohin Tree Thread

An update of the little elm I posted back in July on this thread (Post #117 ...
It has now leafed out and the first flush has been cut back into silhouette. Now waiting for the next spring push to develop ramification further, I think it's coming along OK.
In March 2019 I posted this tree in this thread.
Here are then and now shots.
Some have asked me when will I put it in a semi cascade pot but I think it’s not ready yet.
It is still in training and I’m in no rush.
Relative newcomer to shohin. Took a long time to learn how to keep them alive in such small pots first.

Display at the recent Wodonga Ag show

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Trees: Acer palmatum; Acer beurgeranum; Cotoneater microphylla; Ulmus parvifolia 'Seiju'; Ficus rubiginosa; Pinus thunbergia. Pretty sure the pots are all cheap Chinese. Stands by me.
I'd say you're catching on. Some nice work there, especially for a newcomer.
You think it might not be ready yet for a nee pot but it's getting close. Looking real good.
I want to remind everyone that if you post in this thread you should leave a photo behind of a Shohin tree.
Please tell the others.
Also thank you for the kind reply. I have been fighting spider mites since I brought them all inside. I think I have almost won the battle.
Got a new Boggs pot for this one- can’t wait till spring. 9428877A-950D-45D9-A576-5FB09B432E59.jpegEF08ED4B-F350-4901-91B2-4307977DAC4D.jpeg
This ficus triangularis has gone through a bit of torture over the past few months but I think I’ve finally got it at a point where I’m happy with it. It’s taken well to the torture too and really filled in. Should be interesting when the leaves are half the size.

This ficus retusa has been through even more torture this year. Its about half the size from when I got it, I got it to learn and it has taught me a bunch!

Larch on rock approximately 8 inches high. Just completed its first year. Added a bit more sphagnum and Akadama up top but generally looks pretty good. This tree has been a challenge for me so I've had to do some artificial aging. I'll add in some past photos so you can see its development and some of the torture I've put it through.


A few of it newly dug up and in a pond basket ...


Then into a pot until last year.
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