The Ficus Focus of HorseloverFat


Squarepants with Conkers
Reaction score
Northeast Wisconsin
Lately I have become (as many others have undoubtedly experienced) whole-heartedly enamored with the Ficus Species...

I have the privilege of working with 4 different kinds, at the moment...

And with those 4 “mothers”.. come many propagation projects/endeavors.. and quite a few “projects”.. so I will document my work “ficus-wide”.. in this thread.
I too am a fan of ficus. I struggle over the winter trying to keep the humidity, temp where they like it not to mention the pest issues. Take a look at the oak leaved pumila if you haven't already. It has leaves that stay under a 1/4" and is slower growing. Thanks for sharing your projects, I look forward to seeing them progress.
I too am a fan of ficus. I struggle over the winter trying to keep the humidity, temp where they like it not to mention the pest issues. Take a look at the oak leaved pumila if you haven't already. It has leaves that stay under a 1/4" and is slower growing. Thanks for sharing your projects, I look forward to seeing them progress.
I’m lucky... I have an indoor space with BIG, old windows, that is NEAR-entirely contained.. and ONLY for plants..

I have it arranged so that air EXCHANGE is very good.. and STILL the air in the “contained” room is “treated well” (filtration... close monitoring of actual vs. relative humidity.. I used to monitor CO2.. but I found that just the piping in of outside air coupled with BREATHING in the closed room provided adequate levels.. I only Co2“bursted” a few timeS... and it wasn’t even necessary.. I just love TOO much! HAHA!!

The OAK leaved pumila is what I almost bought! but that was a started for 18.00.. the pumila DEAL
I found was 12 for a 2 gallon)”(ish) pot.

I’ve also found that the BEST defense against indoor pests.. is healthy trees.. fine tune your environment.. when your trees are happy.. they are healthy.. when they are healthy.. pest issues fade.

Also.. indoors.. i need to stress the effectiveness of LOTS of airflow and close-hung lights....

But this only works if you are able to “tend” to the room 3-4(ish) times a day...

Just sharing some thoughts that may help you in your journey!

Thank you for the kind words.

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Also, I’ve been reading a lot of “Jerry”, obviously..

So I am also experimenting with propagating Ficus root cuttings.. I have roughly 10, spread out ‘mongst the varieties..

Here are two of my favorites.View attachment 371211View attachment 371212
Though I admire your love of ficus. At some point will you allow the mother trees to be more than just propagation material? Like...allow one to go into a direction? I don't propagate my own. I focus on a direction for the main tree. And that is my goal. But I also don't want a slew of tropical to deal with.

Which species are these root cuttings. These are cool.
Though I admire your love of ficus. At some point will you allow the mother trees to be more than just propagation material? Like...allow one to go into a direction? I don't propagate my own. I focus on a direction for the main tree. And that is my goal. But I also don't want a slew of tropical to deal with.

Which species are these root cuttings. These are cool.
Each “mother” is going a direction.. I only used them MOSTLY as “mothers” in the initial prune...

I have a set design Idea for each mother... and sisters.. those are mine to shape... I actually have been SELLING ficus cuttings locally (amongst others) with reasonable success.. so THIS is the reason for the seemingly unending mass of small cuttings. 🤣 keep a few of each species that I like.

The FIRST pictured root cutting is pumila, the second; Burt Daavi..

The rest of the root-cuttings are... less-attractive.. somewhat... “young stump”-looking.

Also my grow room around this time of year looks like New York city in “The Fifth Element”... and THOSE ones... are harder to “reach”
So my ficus suffered a TAD at the hands of VASTLY daily-varied Wisconsin spring... but towards midde-june... began “righting themselves”.

I sold 80 percent of my established cuttings...

So here are the Original Specimens.. as well as some promising “up-and-comers” i will be developing for pre-bonsai stock..(up-and-comers in NEXT post ;) )

Burt Daavi 1CB1EB274-97BA-49DF-8DE0-B8547D5DC8EB.jpeg686C96B4-1502-448B-B5CB-E2DBBACB2464.jpeg
Microcarpa 109040446-659F-4D2D-AAB3-8F1D385185BC.jpegC1EB62FC-E49B-4518-AC24-E4C9C6DB42D0.jpeg
Benjamina 17F990836-3A5E-4C3B-B6DE-E2222F80EB5D.jpegD0732661-FF42-4B2E-A217-8CB0B846290E.jpeg
Pumila 150A9037F-B271-47AA-A1B1-6F3061351952.jpeg62C08B8E-B5C1-4D07-91E2-5D9BA21192A2.jpeg
some of them look awesome
Thank you!!!

Every time i trim.. i get many more specimens... although i sell many cuttings locally.. i plan on developing some of the more interesting cuttings into “pre-TinyTree” stock to sell here. (In the future)

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