Sunrise/sunset/sky photos thread

I crew every year for the Albuquerque international balloon fiesta and these pics are a few mornings from last week, beautiful week to fly.20161005_070207.jpg 20161005_081451.jpg this is the balloon I've crewed for basically my entire life. 20161009_081925.jpg
Just after landing, good shot of the Sandia mountains.20161005_093530.jpg
And a nice sunset on the last day.20161009_184416.jpg 20161009_184423.jpg
Hard to see in the photo but this morning's sunrise was greeted by a moderate too heavy rain shower which only lasted a few minutes...the fragrances of the garden are just wonderful....Poipu Kauai HI
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I love the rain showers there! Kauai is the land of rainbows.
Here's a sunset from last week.

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