I afraid he is gone Uncle.These two BCs were side by side in the swamp. They were collected at the same time and received very similar root pruning and repot. Then they were planted in the same pot. Yet one is pushing the top hard and the other is sulking!
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Not yet. It's only been 4 weeks. 12 weeks are my standard wait time. 80% of the time, they come back. Don't take the crispy leaves as the final say. I only give up when the trunk itself dry out.I afraid he is gone Uncle.
Give them a week-old mix of beer and brown sugared water to get them off the sulk like the old timers do? Beer to be of good cheer always work for Irishmen. May be that will work for sulking trees.Have you tried to cheer it up with a joke?
"A man is chopping down a tree, the tree says 'Wait, I'm a talking tree'! The man proceeds chopping down the tree and says “and you will dialogue.”
Die a log.
You know better than I if sulky with come back, but maybe sing it a happy song or lullaby.
I checked this morning. The branches have dried out. The trunk down low is still viable. It remains to be seen whether the tree will continue to dry out or to wake up and push buds down low.These two BCs were side by side in the swamp. They were collected at the same time and received very similar root pruning and repot. Then they were planted in the same pot. Yet one is pushing the top hard and the other is sulking!
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For fruit trees that are healthy but not producing, the Vietnamese farmers often take their chopping knife and do a few chops up and down the trunk. They swear the trees will fruit after being nicked. I am not sure.Give them a week-old mix of beer and brown sugared water to get them off the sulk like the old timers do? Beer to be of good cheer always work for Irishmen. May be that will work for sulking trees.
I know beer help my belly grow axially.Can't go wrong with a ice cold beer. I once read that people would nick a ficus tree to encourage aerial roots to grow so I tried it, and nothing happened. I then saw a trunk bending technique, where you bend the tiger bark ficus trunk back and forth (it was a whip at the time) it help thicken it up over time. When I tried this, about a week later both a branch and an aerial root popped out. Now, I know you can't try this because of the size, but it did show me that injuring the ficus did cause the growth.
The growth the bending caused. So more bending I did.
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All this typing is making me thirty.