Yes, trees are remarkably intelligent.
They have a 'built in' diurnal clock, even when kept under 24 hour light. I did an experiment in school where I kept oaks under 24 hour artificial light, and they continued to show a daily pattern in their photosynthesis, transpiration, and isoprene emissions. Do they 'remember' that the sun is supposed to rise and set every day? Maybe so...
On winter dormancy, for the hardcore nerds in the chat:
'A Conceptual Framework for Winter Dormancy in Deciduous Trees'
View attachment 361654
Figure 3. Conceptual framework of winter dormancy in deciduous trees. The dormancy framework (gray background) indicates three main phases: (a) dormancy
establishment (light gray), (b) endo-dormancy (dark gray), and (c) eco-dormancy (medium gray). For each phase (a–c), the dormancy-related physiological processes
are represented by colored shapes and numbers (0 to 4). These processes are (0) the regulatory module CONSTANS (CO) /FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) (green
square), (1) the transport at both whole-plant (phloem and xylem) and meristematic/cellular (plasmodesmata—PD) level (red squares), (2) phytohormone dynamics
(cytokinins—CK, auxins—IAA, gibberellins—GAs, and abscisic acid—ABA) (orange squares), (3) genetic and epigenetic regulation of the DORMANCY-ASSOCIATED
MADS-box (DAM) genes and the SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) genes (purple squares), and (4) carbohydrate dynamics (gray squares). Within each colored
square, the light squares indicate the concrete substance or process (plain text) and where it occurs (italics). % indicates rising levels, & decreasing levels, and Ø
indicates absence. The shaded sun refers to declining photoperiod whereas the black thermometer stands for declining temperatures. The blue and red thermometers
indicate that cold or warm temperatures, respectively, are directly associated with a given process. Black arrows establish a causal relationship between processes.
Link to paper: