Shrubby crab in summer

Tree looks to have good structure. Maybe you can hang a white sheet over that fence to give a cleaner background so we can fully appreciate it (hint, hint).

Maybe you can hang a white sheet over that fence to give a cleaner background so we can fully appreciate it (hint, hint).

Yes but you missed the word "clean" :eek:

Supposed to be center in a round pot yes?

Way better than the old and the almost.

White and round for feminine flowering.
Drum rivets for masculinity.
Size works.

I like it.

Very nice, and very good choice of pot colour.

I suppose you let the first branch on the right grow freely to strengthen it? Have you tried defoliating the rest of the tree so that it gets even more energy? I've never tried it on a Malus myself, but my guess is it should work,
Flowers soon....

Nice! And appears to be a lot of them! Ours is just starting to show the clusters as well and I am hoping it waits a few days until we come back so I can enjoy and maybe even get some pictures.

Looking good! We have a yard tree that may be the same cultivar. I took a couple of air layers off it a few years ago and they are developing in the growing bed.

Keep us posted!

Quite a unique tree you have there.I would be a proud owner.I see some wild crabs in the woods and they have flowers like these.Growing in complete shade.
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