Should I defoliate my stubborn maples?

The two factors that mostly triggers dormancy is the amount of daylight hours and the subsequent temperature drop. I don't think the tree has either of that in your climate. As a result the tree will be confused I would think.
Don't know how much (if any) it'll impact on the tree's health. You'll have to do some research on that.
The two factors that mostly triggers dormancy is the amount of daylight hours and the subsequent temperature drop. I don't think the tree has either of that in your climate. As a result the tree will be confused I would think.
Perhaps, but days get shorter, nights longer, there is much less light intensity, it gets colder. Today it was 11°C in the morning.
Fact is many deciduous trees know exactly when to go dormant (dropping all leaves) and out of dormancy here, so there is surely enough triggers for them. I wonder if it is not just a matter of adaptation to a different climate.
Just strolling around my street right now:

What temperate people thinks is acontinuum, for tropicals is huge swings in temp and humidity. Summer. Winter. Maybe not. But certainly seasons. Something triggers the wholesale flowering at the same time.
What temperate people thinks is acontinuum, for tropicals is huge swings in temp and humidity. Summer. Winter.

If one realizes that Brazil is almost a continent by itself, from the Equator/Amazon jungle up north, to the cold pampas and mountains in the far south, then of course we have many different micro climates and of course one can't think of Brazil as "that huge tropical oneness" .
It can snow in the south; it can be cold for months up in the mountains.
But Copacabana is what lives in the imaginary of most people.
Ah, on a side note, thank you guys!
I didn't defoliate after all.
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