Yes, I see.
Makes sense.
In fact, as you may know, they are definitely not deciduous. So if the leaves fall when brought to inside, most probably it's due to stress.
BRTs are tough, so usually they can handle it, but I really don't know in the long run if they get weak or if they slow down their growth. Probably yes.
Here in Brazil no one defoliates them, because their leaves are naturally small and already good for bonsai, and they never stop growing, be it summer or winter.
Our winter, bien entendu.
My guess: they will grow less if being cared as a deciduous tree, they should grow less if kept indoors during the winter, far from ideal growing patterns such as high humidity and warm weather, both conditions they love.
Yep, I know they aren't deciduous and the leaf drop is stress. Unavoidable here where 6 months of the year are too cold for them outdoors They either drop their leaves when the night temperatures cool or they drop their leaves when the lighting conditions change significantly...pick your poison!
I've started doing the shuffle with mine already. 80F days...60F nights. And they're dropping leaves anyway.
They drop their leaves faster than they grow them!
Here are my two trees. They haven't opened up for the day yet. When I got these guys in May 2019 they were a single 12" stem with no branching.
I have some nice large south east facing windows they'll winter in. Last winter they sat not doing much for a couple of months until the days started lengthening again...then they started growing decently...except those branches all reached for the windows!