River's Edge
Imperial Masterpiece
Important to remember that if summer shoots are desired for grafting then the late decandling is not a good choice.
much after mid July you'll most likely get nothing but buds for next year. I hope you give this late decandling a try - I want to know if my speculations are correct.
What I glean is as follows (I just want to make sure I'm not overlooking something important, again):.....have done this and got a "summer" flush....
Lance's JBP....
Heading home shortly, so I figured I would put up a photo and ask the Pine Pros to put on their teacher sweater and offer some tips. I acquired this tree from a friend whom is battling Parkinsons. Tough to say when the last time properly applied techniques were applied. The top is getting leggy...www.bonsainut.com
Orig. was such a gross exaggeration/misstatement. I don't expect to be able to make them out until at least a month later (4th of July) - tbd.[editorial remark]: WOW! I, for instance, decandled my JBP on 2 June 19 and I still have difficulty seeing the adventitious buds now,almost a month later.
It is where it worked out to be by trial and error with several years of trials. But my explanation is the same as why Ryan on the north side of Portland, OR and Jonas in Alameda, CA (where it never freezes) decandle about the same time - we live in very cool climates. It rarely gets much above 70F here and, historically speaking, 'never' above 86F for all of us. We're all in the American Horticultural Society heat zone 1.it looks like your first "frost" is predicted for Oct. 31. From June 2, that's pushing 140 days. Why so early?
No! No! It will just sit there until next Spring. You should do first week of August. I did late last year around first week of Sept and that seem to have weaken many of them compare to previous years. Since you only have one, be safe, worst case is you have a bit longer needle than ideal.I'll give it a try on my only pine, shohin. I'll shoot for late August.
It depends.Thanks... I’ll do late-June to early-July from now on.
But... come the correct time to decandle, do you do 100% of the tree, even the small 0.25-1” candles??
Or, do you leave those weak growers alone, and just decandle the long, strong and medium ones?
The alternative is to pay to attend the fall Intensive.Is there a place I can DL/view without paying for it? Don't judge me... but I don't like paying for videos, music nor computer programs. (even though I'm a videographer, photographer and also music-producer myself, lol)