Shimpaku workshop tree

I agree with Drew- does not look like Shimpaku to me! Maybe Parsons or... Something else... Hard to tell from the pics, but the foliage looks to coarse for Shimpaku...
I noticed that as well, but I figured one negative response at a time. It does look like Parsons. There is another problem here that troubles me but I will wait to see if it is brought up.

Please don't think I am trying to discourage you, I am just trying to let you realize the challenge you have before you. Nothing worth having or accomplishing is without many hard and difficult challenges.
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I appreciate the comments, I was told it was a shimpaku but we were talking about different varieties of Juniper and could have got mixed up. Ill double check with the teacher next time I talk to him. I will get a close up of the foliage when I get a chance.

The large round pots are trees from other participants. I just wanted to show what other people did. The cascade in the terracotta pot is mine, It was put from the ground into that pot a couple years ago, and that is where it sits today.

I was worried about some of the deadwood I created so close to live veins and live branches. I have accepted that i will lose some branches
Might as well give yourself the best shot you know!

I had a juniper about the same size from the same guy I styled and repotted at the same time and it came through and I only lost one branch. I only lost that branch because I split it to bend it more so I think it will be alright.
Doesn't matter if it is shimpaku or not to me. Not trying to be negative. I have plenty of them and I don't mind them. Only thing that suck is the juvenile growth on a hard cutback and the long rope like mature foliage.
Sorry meant to say I don't mind parsons juniper that I have plenty of parsons.
update on this tree: It did die but a women in that class decided her tree was too big and she didn't know what to do with it, so I took it.
I will get some pictures of it later this weekend


this is how I got it from the classmate, Sorry for the poor picture
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