Well, it goes back to the first Shari I put into the right trunk, here:
View attachment 272485
and the dead spot is outlined in red below. I should have started with exposing the dead spot first:
View attachment 272486
instead, I was hung up on the idea of creating a spiral Shari on that trunk, like this:
View attachment 272488
notice how even in the virt I cut across the dead spot, basically girdling the trunk and the left side of the right trunk. Had I worked with what the tree had to start with, I could have made a spiral in the opposite direction, and preserved another live vein. Look at the difference below, had I carved the red area, the green areas would still be live veins, and I’d have more branches to work with and a more interesting trunk.
View attachment 272491
and it would look a bit more like this now, maybe even with something alive on the left first branch...although I’m not sure I could have kept much of it because it didn’t have any taper.
View attachment 272490