I aquired this tree a couple of months ago. My plan is making a tall informal upright. But before I consider any styling options. I need to reduce the height and get some light into the inner branches which I have a bunch of seen in pic two. The terminal shoots seem healthy as f, and have numerous buds everywhere. How far back should/can I cut to? The majority of all the inner branching is healthy with many buds too. should I be focused on reducing branches at whorls? Or both whorls and reducing terminal shoots? but balanced so I don't remove too much? Im still learning pines so anyone please chime in and help with some directions or opinions. Lets put it this way What would you do to get the ball rolling with this material. Think tall elegant informal upright with lots of inner buds to grow out as new branches so branch selection is of less importance than reducing whorls, and getting the inner parts stronger
she's a lil frozen at the moment but it has some flair under the surface but i haven't found the nebari yet. It Is not root bound, so I think I can wait another season for a repot and focus on reducing .