This is a forest i started really not expecting too much to come of it as the trees were puny. Luckily, and happily noted, ficus trunks thicken nicely in a pot (over time).
The earliest picture I can find of this forest is the one below. This is about 1.5 to 2 years into the planting. Trees were still small. I think all of these trees came from cuttings.
At the beginning of '15 the planting was transplanted into a slightly bigger, deeper pot. It was left here for more than 2.5 years. The main tree was left to grow almost like a sacrifice branch to thicken the main trunk more.
The planting with the main trunk growing well. This was in Aug '17 when I decided it was time to change things up a bit.
As you can see above, defoliation was strated on the whole planting in preparation for a move. Below both sides are defoliated.
Full defoliation of the planting prior to a repot.

The different sections came out nicely as groups and I was able to restyle the planting without having to tear up the composition.
Left and right side groupings. There was good strong root growth.

The prepared slab. It was a slate slab that was used as a garden pathway stone. The slate had been used for another planting and I had to wait for that tree to be transplanted before the slab could be used for the forest.
I chipped away at the sides to give it more character. Holes were drilled into the slate years ago to add drainage holes and places to put in removable ties.
Built the muck wall with clay, moss and potting soil. Works like a charm every time.
Recent pics of the forest to follow soon.