Repotting a juniper now?

I had moved it into the greenhouse a few days ago along with other plants because a raccoon is digging up the plants on the patio at night. After being in the greenhouse it's looking better today and suddenly got more growth starting all over it. Maybe it wasn't getting enough heat? On days when it's almost 90 degrees out it's around 115 in the greenhouse so we keep the door to it open and it's still at least 100 degrees. A lot of my plants wilt in that heat but I guess the juniper prefers it.

I'd be careful with that. You're starting to treat the Juniper like a tropical. That's probably not going to end well.
Well it's doing better in there than outside though...
Thought I'd update that it's not entirely dead, I have continued caring for it and scratching a spot of the bark reveals some green underneath on a single branch...
Hope you didn't buy a dead tree. I've done it:confused:
Not to hijack the thread, honest! I bought a Gold Star Juniper last fall, really forgot about it except watering it. Not even sure if I put fertilizer in the pot. :oops: Today I was just cleaning out all the old needles and trimming off the dead needles (mostly in dark areas) and such to give the yellowing needles pruning except a few small up and down branches to let in light. This thing looks really pot bound to me...roots shooting out the holes...bottom is busted out. Probably circling roots TBH. The way it looks I would expect the light to liven up the foliage. Everything you read pretty much says re-pot in spring. Like the OP asked about re-potting, do any of you re-pot junipers in august/early fall with decent success? I don't have many junipers...just not what drives me, but I like this Gold Star. If I was all alone on an island with this tree I guess I would re-pot it in august/early fall. ;)

I could upload a pic if need be.
You can usually repot junipers anytime if your careful, and if the tree is healthy. I don't know too much about Gold Star though.
I've repotted a precubmens in July successfully but with great care. Only did minimal root work, didn't touch the foliage at all and shade for two weeks. Good luck!
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