Rain then heavy heat

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Winder Georgia USA
It’s raining heavy here and tomo in Georgia. Then follow with low to mid 90s degree days. Any suggestions on what to do for the trees? I’m thinking to not water it until the sun dries out the soil a little bit.
not sure if I have a fungal problem on these new trees but since I got them. Mosquitoes been going crazy in the yard. The seller had the trees in a shaded moist area. I wonder if mosquitoes laid eggs and hatched once I brought them home. Mosquitoes bits are on the way.
Here are those weird black marks on my tree, can someone take a look and lmk if it’s fungal or anything I should be concern with? Will post better pics after rain.


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What are your trees planted in?

My two cents is that you should pay attention to your soil on those hotter days regardless of how much it rained prior. Your trees will need water when they need water. My trees are in bonsai soil and I would need to water on 90 degree days even if there was a monsoon the day before. Perhaps I may need to water more than once if the temps get higher.

As for the black dots, maybe its my screen or my eyes but I don't see what you are referring to.
Get them up off the ground--use whatever-cinder blocks, ladder, etc. Sitting on soggy ground slows drainage from the pot. Getting the pots off the ground will increase drainage and air flow through the soil..

I don't know what you're planning to do with the mosquito bits. Standing water is where mosquitos lay their eggs. Won't do much good on soil without it. The black marks are probably mold. It can happen with a lot of rain and little air movement in summer. You can generally wipe it off if you want. Just watch the leaves for powdery mildew, as it likes the same conditions.
Are these the black things you are referring to?
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They’re no longer on the ground. That’s how I had them initially. They are now on this homemade bench I made, similar to a lot of the ones I saw posted here.
Mosquito bits. I’ll put in a dark water container so mosquitoes can lay their dead ones there 😈


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What are your trees planted in?

My two cents is that you should pay attention to your soil on those hotter days regardless of how much it rained prior. Your trees will need water when they need water. My trees are in bonsai soil and I would need to water on 90 degree days even if there was a monsoon the day before. Perhaps I may need to water more than once if the temps get higher.

As for the black dots, maybe its my screen or my eyes but I don't see what you are referring to.
2 are in Akadama,lava,pumice. I didn’t know I was supposed to wait until early spring to repot so I did these 2 in beginning June.

the rest is in some sort of potting mix I supposed. It’s still in their nursery pot. Prob soil and pine mulch from what I can tell.
The solid fence, as viewed from that window, brings me slight concern. It's definitely going create quite an unnatural microclimate.

Any way to introduce more airflow?

Even when pot still wet?
If the soil is "wet" then probably not. But your Akadama,lava,pumice mix is not likely to ever really be wet a little after watering. Without actually seeing the soil, on a day that's supposed to be 90 degrees I would water in the morning as usual in that mix even if it poured the day before. The potting mix is a bit different as it can actually be "wet" and stay that way for a time. Best thing would be to check the soil and water when it had a chance to dry out a bit. When I am in the same position and need to go to work for the day, I will water things in potting soil if there is a concern that the soil will actually dry out. Better wet for a time than dry ever.
I've been watering my maples, tropical trees and other trees that like more moisture twice a day for the last few days since its been over 90 each day.
Came home Tuesday night and my Brazilian rain trees had all their leaves closed which tells me they are trying to conserve water and needed more so I started to water them in the evening in addition to their morning watering they get
Hey not sure if I missed the answers but is this some sort of mildew fungus or the wilt disease? I can scratch it off.. @19Mateo83


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