Brazilian Rain Tree help!

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Long Island New York USA
Just went through Winter in New York. I thought leaves were in process of dropping but seem like they are taking a while to drop.
Waters every 2-3 days in winter. Every other day as it is warming up. Leaves are shriveled up and dry.


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Just went through Winter in New York. I thought leaves were in process of dropping but seem like they are taking a while to drop.
Waters every 2-3 days in winter. Every other day as it is warming up. Leaves are shriveled up and dry.
I am new as well but have a rain tree kept outside. Here are a few questions the pros are going to ask you;
What growing region/area do you live in? You can add that to your profile on here, it helps when giving advice on plant care
Do you keep it indoor all the time, or just through the winter? I hear that raintrees shed leaves and sulk when indoor during the winter...
Do you water on a schedule? Raintrees like it wet but noone wants wet feet all the time...
That should be a good start. I hope you get some good info here, as it is a valuable resource for me
Thanks for the response SFDrake. Updated my location! I bring it inside when under 45 degrees. No schedule I usually water depending on weight.
We had a cold front a bit ago and it got down to 45 one night, my rain tree threw a fit and chucked a third of the foliage. Bounced right back a week later.
It happens sometimes, it will bounce back. Be careful with water while it's in this state and give it as much light as you can. I usually have to trim my BRT's at least once over the winter.
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