I've been kinda stressing over its watering situation today as the moss didn't seem to be transferring much water to the soil below, so I finally took it off to make sure I was watering the tree itself, and to inspect the soil situation a little closer.
Moisture meter readings averaged around 2.5 (edges are a bit less moist, presumably due to distance from the roots which I very well may have brushed into or even stabbed by accident with the meter when measuring closer to the center), and it felt fairly dry to the touch about an inch into the ground (like a really well wrung-out washcloth that's had a bit to dry), so I went ahead and gave it some fairly thorough watering. Moisture meter's gone up to 3.5-5ish and it now feels reasonably moist, like a washcloth that's been dunked in water then wrung out so it's ready for use.
Questions for the assembled experts:
I do realise that worrying about all this at o'dark'thirty is pretty silly, since it is a tree and things move fairly slowly with 'em, but I figured I'd err on the side of caution here since FTs have a reputation for being finnicky - I'd rather lose out on some sleep than risk the tree's health.
I've been kinda stressing over its watering situation today as the moss didn't seem to be transferring much water to the soil below, so I finally took it off to make sure I was watering the tree itself, and to inspect the soil situation a little closer.
- The moss was indeed absorbing basically all of the water, though admittedly I was watering fairly cautiously and giving it time to seep through before checking soil moistness. Oops.
- Yes, it is definitely in a most, if not entirely organic substrate. Oh dear.
- Outside of the top layers of soil, said substrate seems to be fairly densely packed. Oh dear.
- There's a lot of new growth that needs trimmed, and unfortunately not much of it is in a position optimal for trimming to encourage additional ramification - sure, it would probably do so, but in a way that'd make the already dense portions of the canopy even denser. Not life or death, though, just style things.
- I think it may be deciding to flower? A good sign that the week or so I've had it hasn't been terrible for its health, at least.
Moisture meter readings averaged around 2.5 (edges are a bit less moist, presumably due to distance from the roots which I very well may have brushed into or even stabbed by accident with the meter when measuring closer to the center), and it felt fairly dry to the touch about an inch into the ground (like a really well wrung-out washcloth that's had a bit to dry), so I went ahead and gave it some fairly thorough watering. Moisture meter's gone up to 3.5-5ish and it now feels reasonably moist, like a washcloth that's been dunked in water then wrung out so it's ready for use.
Questions for the assembled experts:
- How urgent is repotting it?
- Tangentially, should I leave the (faux?) moss off the top, or keep it in place? It may have been there to help with humidity or retaining soil moisture for all I know.
- This is more of a general care question, but: I've seen lots of conflicting info on watering & fertilising from bonsai info sites (e.g, bonsaiempire), so what should I be aiming for, moisture and feeding-wise?
- Another general care question: how do I keep it happy, humidity-wise?
I do realise that worrying about all this at o'dark'thirty is pretty silly, since it is a tree and things move fairly slowly with 'em, but I figured I'd err on the side of caution here since FTs have a reputation for being finnicky - I'd rather lose out on some sleep than risk the tree's health.