Update for Pine Training
Over the last week i have been reviewing the progress of some JBP. These trees are developing well and in their fifth growing season since germination from seed and radial stem cutting! At this time i am looking to ensure that shading does not damage lower branches and foliage. I am also checking to be sure i did not leave branching that may create an issue with the trunk. The goal is to continue trunk development while encouraging and maintaining options for later. Typically this involves minor cleanup and pruning problem areas before they create knuckles or inverse taper. In some cases i may need to induce budding by more cutback or other techniques
to ensure enough lower branching and options moving forward.
There is often discussion over selecting pre-bonsai from a Bonsai Nursery or regular landscape nurseries, Home Depot etc.
From a Bonsai nursery point of view you should expect reasonable nebari, healty root formation, some trunk movement and taper with branch choices or placement depending on the progression of each piece!
Regardless of where pre-bonsai material is selected those are factors that should be considered in determining the value and potential of the material for Bonsai.
I thought it might be of educational interest to post a couple of pictures of JBP from seed at this stage. I estimate that each tree at this stage has received general care ( water, fertiliser, turning ) for almost five years plus approximately five or six hours of individual attention involving, germination, radial stem cutting, repotting ( 3 times) , wiring, pruning etc. I know a lot of Bonsai Nut participants have started down this road and expect to see some wonderful examples in the future.
caveat: these are neither the best or the worst of my crop, just examples for interest and educational purposes.
If you look closely at the pictures you should be able to see choices, possible new apex's and alternatives for sacrifice and primary branches.
It is my practice to leave as much foliage as possible for as long as possible while in the development stage, then change apex and repeat the process. Hope you enjoy the pictures!