Picture Update on My Trident

Nice looking start! I hope you spread the roots out good when you potted it. Why is it indoors?
Nice looking start! I hope you spread the roots out good when you potted it. Why is it indoors?

I was told not to spread the roots out this summer. Let it grow this summer and think about spreading them out next year.

It is outdoors on a screened-in balcony.
Okay, nobody ever told me not to, so it's the first step with plugs, is to get them out of the capsulated shape.
Are you planning to move it outside?
Okay, nobody ever told me not to, so it's the first step with plugs, is to get them out of the capsulated shape.
Are you planning to move it outside?

It is outside on a screened-in balcony. It gets six+ hours of sunlight daily. It is as outside as I can get it on the balcony. I live in an apartment in a complex.
No not at all, sorry if I came off that way. It was more a you're doing fine, keep at it statement.
The standard Trident maple is pretty much a no fault tree, very strong growers and adaptable.
No not at all, sorry if I came off that way. It was more a you're doing fine, keep at it statement.
The standard Trident maple is pretty much a no fault tree, very strong growers and adaptable.

Okay. I wasn't sure. Thank you for clarifying!
Definitely do not repot it during summer. Wait until spring when the buds swell.
In the mean time, search “repotting trident maple” or “trident maple nebari” here and on the internet to get inspiration and techniques for how to set up the roots of the tree to be a successful bonsai.
Let it run, you are getting decent growth for an indoor (balcony?) tree.
Has this thing always been growing indoor?
Time to rework your balcony. Open up the sreen and remove the ceiling, before the tree does it for you ;)
Lol! I can put it on the ground of the balcony to give myself a little bit more room.

With that said, if it reaches the ceiling I'm not sure what I'll do as we're in an apartment. They won't look too kindly on me removing sections of their property. ;)
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