Just had to share a picture of this yamadori


Reaction score
Saint Augustine, FL
Just wanted to share. Neighbors took this out this morning. I can’t believe I got this lucky. But I’m nervous. This plant is so old and intimidating, I’m still very new at this and I really really dont want to mess this up. I believe it’s a dwarf ilex. The flip flop is 13” long.


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Fingers crossed! Not a lot of fine roots for such a chunky tree. Ilex will die back hard without enough roots, and though it may survive, you may lose your trunks.
Oh no! That’s terrible news. What can I do to mitigate the dying back? My guess would be to cut it back, trying to balance foliage to root ratio and keeping it in shade. Any merit in that?
Fingers crossed! Not a lot of fine roots for such a chunky tree. Ilex will die back hard without enough roots, and though it may survive, you may lose your trunks.
Right? It’s beautiful. Now ‘Bonsai Nut’ has me worried though. Either way I can appreciate its curves even if it’s fleeting because they may be destined to die soon.
You're in northern FL so I would just pot it up and keep it in filtered sun and hope for the best. With no foliage, it will not need much water, and the demand on the roots will be low.
Well it currently has quite a bit of foliage on all but one side. Should I reduce the foliage? And if yes, a lot?


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Well it currently has quite a bit of foliage on all but one side. Should I reduce the foliage? And if yes, a lot?
Leave the foiiage. Get it into a pot with soil that drains pretty well. Don’t use a pot that’s more than a third larger than the root mass. Too much soil will stay too wet. Keep the soil moist. Put it in a place that get a couple of hours of morning sun. Don’t move it around once it’s out in place. Leave it alone other than necessary watering. You should see new leaf buds in the trunks branching in a month or a little more.
Just wanted to share. Neighbors took this out this morning. I can’t believe I got this lucky. But I’m nervous. This plant is so old and intimidating, I’m still very new at this and I really really dont want to mess this up. I believe it’s a dwarf ilex. The flip flop is 13” long.
Damn son. Looks like a mighty beech from here.
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WOW that is a great score. I agree...don't remove any foliage. I'll put it in a pumice rich ( 60%+....you can't really over water that) medium in a place with filtered sun.
Give it time, and work with what you have when its strong again.
Oops. Typed this yesterday and forgot to post it: “Thank you for all the advice. The bucket I put it in is too deep I think, based on Rockm’s advice so I’m going to build a box for it tomorrow and while I’m at it, I’ll mix some better soil for it. I was so worried about getting its roots buried quickly I went with what I had on hand which was just a little perlite with potting soil.”

And today it is in its new box which doubled as a sled. The box is 24”x24”x9or10”. The fine roots just barely touch the sides, so I think it’s a good size. I left myself some room to make the sides taller since some of the roots seem to be above the top of the box. The spot it’s in is on the north side of a 6’ fence. It was the best I could do for shade. By tomorrow I hope to build a little sunshade extending off the fence and that tall crape Myrtle on the south side of the fence should be leading out soon so hopefully one day of some sun doesn’t hurt too much.


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Oops. Typed this yesterday and forgot to post it: “Thank you for all the advice. The bucket I put it in is too deep I think, based on Rockm’s advice so I’m going to build a box for it tomorrow and while I’m at it, I’ll mix some better soil for it. I was so worried about getting its roots buried quickly I went with what I had on hand which was just a little perlite with potting soil.”

And today it is in its new box which doubled as a sled. The box is 24”x24”x9or10”. The fine roots just barely touch the sides, so I think it’s a good size. I left myself some room to make the sides taller since some of the roots seem to be above the top of the box. The spot it’s in is on the north side of a 6’ fence. It was the best I could do for shade. By tomorrow I hope to build a little sunshade extending off the fence and that tall crape Myrtle on the south side of the fence should be leading out soon so hopefully one day of some sun doesn’t hurt too much.
I think you will need to be very careful on watering... looks like you used regular potting soil (or maybe it's just the photo or my eyes). Hard to keep this one in check all the time. Too late now but non-organic soil would probably work better.

Very handsome fella btw... fingers crossed.
It was about 60-70% perlite and the rest regular potting soil. There’s also some moss on top to hold down the perlite
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