Oops. Typed this yesterday and forgot to post it: “Thank you for all the advice. The bucket I put it in is too deep I think, based on Rockm’s advice so I’m going to build a box for it tomorrow and while I’m at it, I’ll mix some better soil for it. I was so worried about getting its roots buried quickly I went with what I had on hand which was just a little perlite with potting soil.”
And today it is in its new box which doubled as a sled. The box is 24”x24”x9or10”. The fine roots just barely touch the sides, so I think it’s a good size. I left myself some room to make the sides taller since some of the roots seem to be above the top of the box. The spot it’s in is on the north side of a 6’ fence. It was the best I could do for shade. By tomorrow I hope to build a little sunshade extending off the fence and that tall crape Myrtle on the south side of the fence should be leading out soon so hopefully one day of some sun doesn’t hurt too much.