Anonymous User
Mr. Heath, we will use this as an example. This was rude and non productive small man's vernacular. You have a little pyromania in you, an uncontrollable impulse to start fires and to take credit when the house burns to the ground. One more outburst from you and your going to get spanked. Anyone else?
Can you leave the bull!%^$ at home and actually add something productive to the discussion? Seriously, on the sealant myth thread you attempted to incite arguments, you insulted people, you claimed to know more than some of the best minds in the industry, and you failed to offer one single piece of supporting evidence to show you had the slightest clue of what you were talking about. To date I haven't seen anything from you at all that would convince me that you could even identify a tree in the field if you tripped over it.
Now if you wish to exchange senseless banter all day while engaging in your spanking fantasies, please do so in another thread, as I am sure that I am not the only one who would like to seriously discuss this subject.
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