No mail delivery, snow


Imperial Masterpiece
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Western West Virginia AHS heat zone 6
This was Monday, 2 days ago. Conditions have improved even more now,
but they weren't bad then where I am.
We have received mail once, since January 4th. Today is the 15th.
So in the month of January so far, we've received mail 3 days.

This picture was taken the day the carrier last delivered mail, conditions are better yet
and they still refuse to deliver. Honda Civics are in and out our road constantly meaning this
is blatant refusal to work. The carrier, parked in the middle of this road, and walked to the mail box
despite the shoveling and salt melt I put down for them. As a retired rural mail carrier of 37 years
I know the carrier can be fired on the spot, for stepping out of the vehicle while the engine is running.
It snowed last Sunday and by Monday the state road had plowed and salted the main road beyond here.
Access is not the issue.

Ok, these Metris (Mercedes) vans can get stuck on wet grass. Are front wheel drive, but the routes that
had these vans got most of their customers serviced when it snowed, when I was carrying.
The LLV's (typical right side drive big box vans) made in the 80's are rear wheel drive. With the cable chains on
they do ok in the snow, but the front wheels are closer together than the rear wheels, making the turning radius
pretty tight really. This means less go in deep snow, as all 4 tires are making fresh tracks, rather than the rear following
in the exact same track as the front tires. They however are safer to come down slick hills, as you can ride the emergency
brake, like a semis trolley (trailer) brake. Just don't tell them you're doing it or the VMF will scald you.
You get as close as you can to a box without getting hung up and edge closer each day.
It's not that difficult that you suspend mail service to the boxes that are accessible.
Most folks do NOT clear a path to their mailbox, though that's the criteria for delivery in the snow.
You go where you can go safely.

I called the local news channel, and they said this a common complaint this year.
They've had a ton of calls this and last week.

Are you guys that are getting snow having the same issue???
UPS decided to drive along our driveway in our yard....then got stuck, backed up and finally made it out...left a nice rut along most of our driveway. They could have parked at the pull off at the top of the driveway and walked 50ft, wasn't anything heavy. I'd have preferred they had waited rather than guesstimate where the driveway was, count yourself lucky.
I have a post office box so as long as I can get to the post office, I can get the mail.
My street is paved to just past my drive way. It used to be all dirt until a few years ago and the post office refused to deliver down my street because of the pot holes, etc.
We just never bothered to get a box and just keep the P.O. box which with all the mail theft that happens at times, I think Id just prefer to pay for the box
I have a post office box so as long as I can get to the post office, I can get the mail.
My street is paved to just past my drive way. It used to be all dirt until a few years ago and the post office refused to deliver down my street because of the pot holes, etc.
We just never bothered to get a box and just keep the P.O. box which with all the mail theft that happens at times, I think Id just prefer to pay for the box
I generally have it delivered to my barbershop if I order anything to avoid theft. Amazon half the time won't deliver during business hours, and is so dumb they've left it by the dumpster in the alley behind the shop, or literally in front of our door. We have a busy restaurant next door, and never has the package been there the next day. We have instructions to never deliver after hours, doesn't stop them...they just load a photo of it propped up at our front door in the shopping center and drive off.
Unrelated but equally frustrating... I'm in the danger zone with these fires in CA. They left our power on for all of the windiest days, then shut if off for 3 days with calm wind. They kept saying it was due to extreme wind, but the wind had died down to a light breeze at worst.

For 3 days, even our traffic lights were out. Our city didn't bother to put out reflective STOP signs. I witnessed multiple cars just blowing through stoplights. Multiple wrecks and even a kid hit by a car. Then... where do I find the cops??? Sitting at the bottom of a large hill handing out tickets to speeders. :mad: I did see a wreck on the same street due to no stop lights or stop signs with 6 cops just standing around. Get the hell into those dangerous intersections and start doing SOMETHING FFS!
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This was Monday, 2 days ago. Conditions have improved even more now,
but they weren't bad then where I am.
We have received mail once, since January 4th. Today is the 15th.
So in the month of January so far, we've received mail 3 days.

This picture was taken the day the carrier last delivered mail, conditions are better yet
and they still refuse to deliver. Honda Civics are in and out our road constantly meaning this
is blatant refusal to work. The carrier, parked in the middle of this road, and walked to the mail box
despite the shoveling and salt melt I put down for them. As a retired rural mail carrier of 37 years
I know the carrier can be fired on the spot, for stepping out of the vehicle while the engine is running.
It snowed last Sunday and by Monday the state road had plowed and salted the main road beyond here.
Access is not the issue.

Ok, these Metris (Mercedes) vans can get stuck on wet grass. Are front wheel drive, but the routes that
had these vans got most of their customers serviced when it snowed, when I was carrying.
The LLV's (typical right side drive big box vans) made in the 80's are rear wheel drive. With the cable chains on
they do ok in the snow, but the front wheels are closer together than the rear wheels, making the turning radius
pretty tight really. This means less go in deep snow, as all 4 tires are making fresh tracks, rather than the rear following
in the exact same track as the front tires. They however are safer to come down slick hills, as you can ride the emergency
brake, like a semis trolley (trailer) brake. Just don't tell them you're doing it or the VMF will scald you.
You get as close as you can to a box without getting hung up and edge closer each day.
It's not that difficult that you suspend mail service to the boxes that are accessible.
Most folks do NOT clear a path to their mailbox, though that's the criteria for delivery in the snow.
You go where you can go safely.

I called the local news channel, and they said this a common complaint this year.
They've had a ton of calls this and last week.

Are you guys that are getting snow having the same issue???
Is your trash getting picked up? If so, then I doubt it's the road conditions.
I posted in the Mail Mishaps thread that I mailed a bubble wrap mailer with some kinzu fruits on Monday of last week, so a week and 2 days ago. As of yesterday it was still in St.Louis, which is the first stop after our local post office. :mad:
Unrelated but equally frustrating... I'm in the danger zone with these fires in CA. They left our power on for all of the windiest days, then shut if off for 3 days with calm wind. They kept saying it was due to extreme wind, but the wind had died down to a light breeze at worst.

For 3 days, even our traffic lights were out. Our city didn't bother to put out reflective STOP signs. I witnessed multiple cars just blowing through stoplights. Multiple wrecks and even a kid hit by a car. Then... where do I find the cops??? Sitting at the bottom of a large hill handing out tickets to speeders. :mad: I did see a wreck on the same street due to no stop lights or stop signs with 6 cops just standing around. Get the hell into those dangerous intersections and start doing SOMETHING FFS!
As if the fires weren't terrifying enough.... be safe!
As if the fires weren't terrifying enough.... be safe!
Thank you, Carol. :) We are safe and the wind storm is ending now. Just hoping for a small amount of rain at this point, but not enough to start mudslides.

It's funny, I was without power for 3 days, so I rented a generator. Within minutes of arriving back home with the generator, the power came back on. 🤦‍♂️ So.... I'm thinking... maybe if I get a car wash, it will start raining! 😁
We have received mail once, since January 4th. Today is the 15th.
So in the month of January so far, we've received mail 3 days.

Are you guys that are getting snow having the same issue???
In our most recent winter of abundant snow, 2021-22, we were having the same issue with mail delivery here. It was compounded by multiple-day closures on the interstate so mail couldn't even get to the PO. That was when we switched to a PO box. Now if the mail reaches town, we can pick it up by noon.
Is your trash getting picked up? If so, then I doubt it's the road conditions.
Rubbish 😆
Not so fast there Dave.
You might have a point if the garbage ran daily everywhere
as the post office does, and if size and weight wasn’t an issue.
Our snows have been coming in on the weekends Sat and Sun, and
our refuse collection is on Mondays. If they can’t get here Monday they do not
try any other day that week till the following Monday.

School isn’t even delayed let alone cancelled with remote learning.
As I mentioned, Honda civics are having no troubles on our road
and there’s many many folks getting their meds through the mail.
Unrelated but equally frustrating... I'm in the danger zone with these fires in CA. They left our power on for all of the windiest days, then shut if off for 3 days with calm wind. They kept saying it was due to extreme wind, but the wind had died down to a light breeze at worst.

For 3 days, even our traffic lights were out. Our city didn't bother to put out reflective STOP signs. I witnessed multiple cars just blowing through stoplights. Multiple wrecks and even a kid hit by a car. Then... where do I find the cops??? Sitting at the bottom of a large hill handing out tickets to speeders. :mad: I did see a wreck on the same street due to no stop lights or stop signs with 6 cops just standing around. Get the hell into those dangerous intersections and start doing SOMETHING FFS!
This is awful. Praying for you guys out there.
I’ll take my snow shoveling and count ourselves fortunate to not have such critical weather.
I understand the mudslides. We get them to a lesser degree with the freeze thaw cycles.
That will come when this mess starts thawing.
If I called in sick on a day in proximity to a holiday, or a Monday
Then called in sick 2 or 3 years later on a Monday or near a holiday
I was issued a letter of warning for a pattern of calling in sick
around those days and placed on a watch list.
This happened to a person in mgt. also who had 2 years of accumulated
sick leave because he never took off sick in his career.
Calling in sick is highly frowned on at the po in Appalachia.
We get USPS disruptions day of a big snow, but only if our county is in a level 2 or 3 snow emergency, we're on a rural route with a box on the road. UPS and FEDex usually take a bit longer to get stuff to you and we have a drop box near the road for them and a turnaround at that spot for them. But even with plowing they sometimes won't deliver for a few days.
I posted in the Mail Mishaps thread that I mailed a bubble wrap mailer with some kinzu fruits on Monday of last week, so a week and 2 days ago. As of yesterday it was still in St.Louis, which is the first stop after our local post office. :mad:
Be glad that it's just fruits. I sent a tree USPS Nov.26th to someone and it got lost for 4 weeks. We are glad that it finally showed up, but not sure how much of the tree is alive, and won't know for sure till spring. NEVER using USPS again....
Well, hell. My package is in a closet in NY. @ShadyStump , you're never going to get it....
Still wondering what happened to that Barbados cherry a few years ago. Thing was declared delivered at my workplace, but nowhere to be found. Just disappeared. I checked every PO in the city, and half the places in the building, and nothing.

I recall a couple years ago winter '21/22 I was seeing USPS delivering in the snow as late as 7pm around the holidays. They never went quite that hard later years, so I figured online shopping was still running heavy after the 20/21 winter and all that nonsense. This year, though, I've not once seen them run outside normal hours, or make extra trips or anything.
I wonder if USPS got a new union or something.
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