New York urged people to stay indoor when temp in the 90s?

A slight shift in conversation, but I'm still find the experience curious enough to chance it.
There's definitely something in weather conditions that can exacerbate temperatures.

This past winter I recall being out one evening in one of the most piercing colds if ever experienced. The temperature on the thermometer, if I recall, was high teens/low 20s and calm; not unusual or even particularly uncomfortable under most circumstances. I'm routinely out for short durations in single digits with little more than a thermal and a sweatshirt without issue. For whatever reason, however, that night the cold somehow penetrated every layer of clothing.
I'm still uncertain what exactly could have caused this phenomenon. Any theories?
This forum really needs a political playground subforum where we can duke it out and there are no rules.
As fun as that sounds in theory, it would spill over in a heartbeat, and the entire site would soon resemble Aleppo circa 2017.
Let's not and say we did.
This forum really needs a political playground subforum where we can duke it out and there are no rules.
Been there, done that. Used to have one called the Kareoke Bar. It got very ugly and spilled over into to subject forums. It was hurting the comraderie.
Been there, done that. Used to have one called the Kareoke Bar. It got very ugly and spilled over into to subject forums. It was hurting the comraderie.
That's odd. Another forum I'm on has one and everything political stays there. People duke it out. No rules. No hurt feelings and the rest of the forum stays nonpolitical.
That's odd. Another forum I'm on has one and everything political stays there. People duke it out. No rules. No hurt feelings and the rest of the forum stays nonpolitical.

Let's just say sometimes people are very passionate about their opinions and beliefs.
Maybe we should have a fundraiser to send air conditioners up north to the Yankees. Lol !!!
My thermometer was 90* F with 65% humidity at 8:30 am . It will probably top out at 100* to 105* F later today. Heat index stays around 112* to 118* F here in northwest georgia . One thing I noticed is I have a small mountain behind my house and the hot air pools here at the base of the mountain . It will rain on the east side but not on the west side where I am at.
That's odd. Another forum I'm on has one and everything political stays there. People duke it out. No rules. No hurt feelings and the rest of the forum stays nonpolitical.
The people who can handle it by the rules stayed, and everyone else left.
This is (as far as I understand it) just about the single biggest bonsai forum in the world. We have honest to God bonsai celebrities around here all the time mingling happily with halfwits like me.
If we're going to keep the variety and quality of people we experience here, it seems like a small sacrifice.

Edit: Anyways, the no politics rule is generally enforced rather loosely, and mostly by members, not admin. I think we do a pretty good job of policing our own without stifling productive conversation.
Maybe we should have a fundraiser to send air conditioners up north to the Yankees. Lol !!!
My thermometer was 90* F with 65% humidity at 8:30 am . It will probably top out at 100* to 105* F later today. Heat index stays around 112* to 118* F here in northwest georgia . One thing I noticed is I have a small mountain behind my house and the hot air pools here at the base of the mountain . It will rain on the east side but not on the west side where I am at.

Different people have different tolerance for heat. I'm almost always hot at the office while a coworker is almost always cold in the same room.

It's currently 85 with 70% humidity here. I'm sitting in my house with 2 fans on me right now which is making it tolerable. My husband isn't breaking a sweat at all...SOB.

I live in a house with no air conditioning except for the bedroom. I hate the heat, sitting all day stewing in your own sweat is not pleasant and it's just exhausting.

If it was 100+, I be a very uncomfortable, irritated and unpleasant person right now.
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Different people have different tolerance for heat.
That's absolutely true. I can be pretty comfortable up to 37°C. 44°C if it's dry heat or near a sea.
Couple days ago my bedroom was 36°C and I slept like a baby.
My girlfriend on the other hand, she's slippery like an eel as soon as temperatures exceed 25°C and stops functioning well at 33.
But she stays warm in winter down to -15°C in a sweater, while I need to bring a coat and gloves anytime temps drop below 5°C.
Different people have different tolerance for heat. I'm almost always hot at the office while a coworker is almost always cold in the same room.

It's currently 85 with 70% humidity here. I'm sitting in my house with 2 fans on me right now which is making it tolerable. My husband isn't breaking a sweat at all...SOB.

I live in a house with no air conditioning except for the bedroom. I hate the heat, sitting all day stewing in your own sweat is not pleasant and it's just exhausting.

If it was 100+, I be a very uncomfortable, irritated and unpleasant person right now.
People don't realize how flipping humid the NE and NY coast can be. My folks live 1 mile from the Cape Cod Canal. I was always amazed that when I visited them- from GA- during the summer, that the dewpoints were as high or higher in MA. I spent 40 summers in the greater Boston area essentially stuck to my bed sheets, couch, chair, etc., before moving to GA where everything has central AC. The best thing my folks ever did was installing a heat pump to the first floor of their house... it does a great job cooling/dehumidifying the main living space and no longer hurts to visit them this time of year :D .
People don't realize how flipping humid the NE and NY coast can be. My folks live 1 mile from the Cape Cod Canal. I was always amazed that when I visited them- from GA- during the summer, that the dewpoints were as high or higher in MA. I spent 40 summers in the greater Boston area essentially stuck to my bed sheets, couch, chair, etc., before moving to GA where everything has central AC. The best thing my folks ever did was installing a heat pump to the first floor of their house... it does a great job cooling/dehumidifying the main living space and no longer hurts to visit them this time of year :D .

Yea Ive been threatening to buy a window unit for every room in the house. Or just turn our spare bedroom into an office like I want to do and Ill live in there and the bedroom 24/7.
That's absolutely true. I can be pretty comfortable up to 37°C. 44°C if it's dry heat or near a sea.
Couple days ago my bedroom was 36°C and I slept like a baby.
My girlfriend on the other hand, she's slippery like an eel as soon as temperatures exceed 25°C and stops functioning well at 33.
But she stays warm in winter down to -15°C in a sweater, while I need to bring a coat and gloves anytime temps drop below 5°C.
I can be freezing one minute and burning up the next. My husband says my thermostat is broken. (and no, it is NOT menopause)
Maybe we should have a fundraiser to send air conditioners up north to the Yankees. Lol !!!
My thermometer was 90* F with 65% humidity at 8:30 am . It will probably top out at 100* to 105* F later today. Heat index stays around 112* to 118* F here in northwest georgia . One thing I noticed is I have a small mountain behind my house and the hot air pools here at the base of the mountain . It will rain on the east side but not on the west side where I am at.

Yea Ive been threatening to buy a window unit for every room in the house. Or just turn our spare bedroom into an office like I want to do and Ill live in there and the bedroom 24/7.

I'm in Maine, but about 1/10 of a mile from the ocean.

4 ACs to cover 6 of our rooms.

If it's over 85, I'm running all 4 of them... Over 80, and the two in the bedrooms are running. At least when everyone is home. Good thing my office is in the basement - I may only have a tiny window, but the temp is pretty stable year-round.
I'm in Maine, but about 1/10 of a mile from the ocean.

4 ACs to cover 6 of our rooms.

If it's over 85, I'm running all 4 of them... Over 80, and the two in the bedrooms are running. At least when everyone is home. Good thing my office is in the basement - I may only have a tiny window, but the temp is pretty stable year-round.
I grew up in south central Maine and still have family there. They have their whole house with ac units.

They can't comprehend how I can stand it without ac. None of us are tolerant of high heat.

I'll admit, I understand how too many days of this heat can drive people a little nuts. I am getting more and more irritated every day with it. The headaches, intestinal irritation, tired, constantly feeling sticky and sweaty.... 😩😡
Paradox, be careful the heat symptoms sound like covid symptoms. I try to do anything outside in the morning then stay in the A/C the rest of the day. Looking forward to fall temperatures.
That's odd. Another forum I'm on has one and everything political stays there. People duke it out. No rules. No hurt feelings and the rest of the forum stays nonpolitical.
We had a "political" forum here for a while (may be still here, but I haven't been back there and won't). The place was ugly and unproductive. No one listens to anyone else. And yeah, if you're honest with yourself, what you see on forums like that can't help but color your interactions with the same people on the "non-political" side, no matter how hard you try. It's not odd, it's human nature.
This forum really needs a political playground subforum where we can duke it out and there are no rules.
Disagree! We have plenty of that on other platforms, the news (?), blogs etc, etc! Keep this BONSAI!
Things tend to get heated enough by just saying "akadama". It's great to find common ground over bonsai with people all over the world. The last thing we need to do is have everyone regurgitate the hateful, polarizing crap that passes for news/opinion and lose our common ground.

As an aside, I bet that politicians would make great fertilizer.
A slight shift in conversation, but I'm still find the experience curious enough to chance it.
There's definitely something in weather conditions that can exacerbate temperatures.

This past winter I recall being out one evening in one of the most piercing colds if ever experienced. The temperature on the thermometer, if I recall, was high teens/low 20s and calm; not unusual or even particularly uncomfortable under most circumstances. I'm routinely out for short durations in single digits with little more than a thermal and a sweatshirt without issue. For whatever reason, however, that night the cold somehow penetrated every layer of clothing.
I'm still uncertain what exactly could have caused this phenomenon. Any theories?

Your experience that night could have just been differences in relative humidity. Humid cold feels much colder than dry cold. It could have been the direction that the breeze/wind that night was from. You could have been tired or just a bit under the weather that night so it bothered you more. Lots of different reasons could have caused it.
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