Bonsai Nut,
I much preferred your previous avatar
The new one tastes, looks like plastic.
Fake depth, "moving flatness". Very artificial, no sentiment, no soul at all. Fast-pic culture, yechh...
Hhuh, huh, it's not about Am., or Eur., or Asia, or anywhere and anyone else, frankly, the AmeriK thing or other provocations are so obvious. We all belong to, we are all the same people, etc.
Hey, hope you heard it the way it has to be heard.
It's actually the most suitable avatar I could choose -for those who don't know me, but I much prefer to stay with an image of the Tree of Liberty: I'm the winking monster, what I see ahead is a secular world of Freedom, Friendship and Solidarity.
Alain, aka Monster K. who doesn't believe in any god, who doesn't believe in any hocus-pocus from any guru or religion that pretend to explain the world from a gold table, interpretations of any text, the smell or taste of goat's droppings, or anything written when the earth was flat but who believes all human beings are born free and equal.
Oï, isn't that a culture, a point of view, we should all learn from?...
Humour : - - - - - - ?
Distance, cynism, empathy, : - - - - - - ?