was having issues with some cuttings, miss one 2-step or misplay the weather and ruined a batch.
also was annoying the gf with unorganized props and plants in the breezeway on top of the recycle bins, etc.
so i got a 57"H wireshelf with casters for the breezeway. already feeling justified.
i have rooted fig cuttings here, hibiscus, bougainvillea, viburnum. some azalea and a quince but not sure on those yet. lots of tigerbark, because i cut my new S shaped into 7 pieces yesterday lol
i can roll this under breezeway, like today, where rain's forecasted all day, roll them out for an hr after work. can play sun/shade/rain with all these, and have everything together to mist them, etc.

also was annoying the gf with unorganized props and plants in the breezeway on top of the recycle bins, etc.
so i got a 57"H wireshelf with casters for the breezeway. already feeling justified.
i have rooted fig cuttings here, hibiscus, bougainvillea, viburnum. some azalea and a quince but not sure on those yet. lots of tigerbark, because i cut my new S shaped into 7 pieces yesterday lol
i can roll this under breezeway, like today, where rain's forecasted all day, roll them out for an hr after work. can play sun/shade/rain with all these, and have everything together to mist them, etc.