Well, I do see photography as an important element of bonsai. Why?
1. I have a horrible memory. If I do root work, and don't see the roots for 2-3 years, photos are a great reminder of what I was working with or trying to accomplish during the last repot.
2. Trees change slowly, but if you look at an annual photo over the course of 5 years, it's very enlightening as to what's happening over time. This helps provide an accurate appraisal of what can be expected over the next 5 years, and how to get there.
3. Since they change slowly, annual photos offer a sense of accomplishment within an inches-and-years hobby.
4. Bonsai aren't especially portable, so I rely heavily on studying photos of good trees as I work on my own trees. A quick Google search makes it easy to see trees from around the world. It would take a ton of effort and money to get to each of those collections to study.
5. Pictures are worth a thousand words. I tend to skip over threads requesting help, but fail to include photos. Unless it's to chuckle at the responses that are often little more than stumbling around in the dark.
Regarding your OP, Max did offer a good thread, I recently wrote a
post on the topic as well. What additional information would you envision/want to see in a photography forum? Truly not a bad idea...good bonsai photography is important, IMO.