Never get tired of 'em!!!! Another Yaupon!


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North Carolina
I really love working with them and this weekend picked up a nice one! I was out looking for trees for the mame contest, this was one that I bought as a possible entry, but decided against it... Didn't fell it would be right to make it that small.

Roots were uncovered for the pictures, going to leave them covered for now.........that root crossing from right to left will be re positioned when I repot this in spring. It's still flexible and easily manipulated, so I'm happy about that.

As purchased:
20170820_102604.jpg 20170820_102554.jpg

After cutting it back and moving soil to photo the base:


Thoughts are welcome!
This one has never been happy. Kora Dalager bought this pot for me at the kiln in tokoname. I thought since everything's under plastic now it finally could leaf out but so far it's not happening. Is there something special about them I should know? P1020659.jpeg
This one has never been happy. Kora Dalager bought this pot for me at the kiln in tokoname. I thought since everything's under plastic now it finally could leaf out but so far it's not happening. Is there something special about them I should know? View attachment 157782

That is a beautiful tree. I'm sorry it hasn't yet!!!!! how long have you had it this way?

How often do you fertilize it? That is odd that your's hasn't......usually they put out too many shoots everywhere.
That is a beautiful tree. I'm sorry it hasn't yet!!!!! how long have you had it this way?

How often do you fertilize it? That is odd that your's hasn't......usually they put out too many shoots everywhere.
Had it about 20 years. I know...the pictures I see of them look like boxwood hedges. I feed often. It gets a black fungus on the leaves too.

Yes they are prone to fungus, Besides the rain, I don't water the leaves on my yaupon's at all.

Have you used any type of fungicide on it? Maybe the fungus is keeping it from being able to bud.

I mean I am sure you know how to care for it so I don't think water etc....


Does it get full sun or stay in the greenhouse all year?
Oh sure. fungicide often. And I never wet the leaves but it can get really humid here. Not a greenhouse, just a rain shelter. View attachment 157828

Gotcha. I have been considering a rain cover.... high humidity here too and a lot of rain.

The situation with your's really has me thinking and I've tried doing some research and can't find anything I wonder.......

When was the last time it leafed out? and last pruned?

Maybe the elevation is affecting it.

They typically grow like crazy. I wonder what is holding yours back...Just sharing what I do:

I keep mine under shade cloth, full sun from morning 6:30am to about 12pm, then they get a break from direct sun until 4pm to 7:30pm. I fertilize granular so every watering/rain shower it's getting fert. I also fertilize with Miracle grow acid every 2 weeks. soil: lava, pumice and 5% pine bark.
Similar soil. It's never really leafed out. A few leafs pop out now and then. I think you're right about elevation. What's happening now is the worst problem for it and maples. Rain, high humidity and cool temps. I hesitate to spray fungicide unless the sun is out and that might not happen for weeks.
I like it. Is this after the recent shortening? I looks as though it could use a little more? I have never seen one heal wounds though....
Now were talkin. Now get the hell out of town!

LMAO I know!!! But for right now I think I'm staying here and gonna ride it out.

Just I don't want to lose any of that new growth in the pic above :p
I love yaupon as well. You guys are brutal with the cuts. Headed for a second short growing season here in AZ. Can I cut now or wait until spring?
I have 4 of them about this size. I put this one in a pot to see if I could keep it alive through summer heat. I did. So now will probably take it out and try growing it out a bit more.
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