Need opinions on my pot

Bolero led the first Africans to Europe.

Bolero started the Chicago Fire.

Bolero was second cousins to the Prophet Mohammed.

Bolero forged the nails that hung Jesus.

My mother used to wear a Bolero, but they'd be kind of hard to fly a plane in. Please tell me you weren't know for your unique jump suit?
Bolero is the originator of the Mole People under NYC.

Bolero was the third man to California in 48 and coined the term 49er.

My mother used to wear a Bolero, but they'd be kind of hard to fly a plane in. Please tell me you weren't know for your unique jump suit?

No Jump Suit just Sneakers, Khakis, Tan Shirt, Pilot SunGlass's and Red Silk Scarf...I miss those days.....
Damm Sorce you have me right down to the T..

I'm just tired of folks not accepting what good you do bring to the table.

So we might not all make little tray plantings like yours, or appreciate an off the wall thread, etc...

That doesn't change the fact that this pot needed that assessment.
It may not be everyone's truth. But it is a truth.

Let's see someone saying how good it is fork up the cash for it right now.....

From a potters perspective, you can spend the time it took to make this pot, on a pot much more likely to sell.

That is the truth.

So where are we guiding Peter?

Through the Alps perhaps?

Or up Everest with Bolero the Sherpa?

On a Bolero led quest to the Bottom of Antarctic Ocean?

The Saga Continues.

Bolero Trained Chuck Norris.

Bolero was good friends with Neil Armstrong, so he let him take his place.

Sorce, it is easy to see why you have so many posts. While I respect you, I have come to understand why these numbers mean nothing. I am not sure why we even have these numbers glaring at us. Other sites I participate in don't have them
Also, Bolero is blocked for me so it is all just blah blah blah.
Peter44 I explained in my last sentence of the post my intent of the post... I wasn't trying to be a smart ass nasty critic I was just being brutally honest and you never addressed my questions ???
Don't be so sensitive Peter, this is just a Internet forum...
Dav4 I take anything you say with a Grain of Salt...Also FWIW the Zig Zags were the Saving Grace of the pot...
Anthony I don't think changing pot shape will advance his outlook of a Bonsai pot...
Forsoothe!, I love your Humor, missed you at the GR show, were you showing ?
To all others, Forward Men.....
I rest my case...
these numbers mean nothing. I am not sure why we even have these numbers glaring at us

Someone Posted in another thread about how bonsai is part philosophy.

That is really the only part I care about because it is the only truly endless facet.....
Of anything.

Bolero posts things that open minds up to new ideas. So for me, it is exactly what we need.

Traditional Bonsai Education Is merely the backbone of our Mission.

I don't care if it is labeled craft or art, it is the creative side of Bonsai that makes it attractive. That gives it presence. That makes it ..... Great.

Opening our minds to, quite literally, non-sense, has the power to help us all become more creative. If we allow it.

For me.....these numbers are our first lesson.
It is very empowering, the realization that the numbers don't mean anything, except for what they do.

I mean, that may be the second time I've ran on like that, without responding to something I've read. So "empty" posts may add up to 50. But hell, even these "empty" posts are engaging the mind so....

This translates to a lot of valuable information, because my intake matches my output. Balanced.

Oh anyway....

That realization is supposed to be humbling.
Make you second guess all the information.
Which is what everyone should be doing so we can exponentially advance.

If we all advance 1mm as individuals and share it with the group. We gain 10k mm.

If we watch one or even 3 "core practices", Eastern, Western, Tropical....
And gain 10mm.
We've progressed a whopping 30mm.

Keeping our minds open will enable us to do our individual 1mm parts, and expand our excellence more rapidly.


I can easily erase the wavy lines and the dots before bisque with a gray scrubby . I also could make the lip 1/2 as wide. Let me know if I should do that

if you can, draw a few images of your pot, with trees in
it, see what they look like.
Good Day
I can't draw. Can you? It might be easier to tell me what you think is wrong with the pot verses playing this game. To me the diameter is fine, the depth could be 1/2inch shorter. The feet are good, the drain hole and the tie holes have already been enlarged, the pot is made to be heavy so the clay is thicker than many, but the way I want it. I can also erase as above. What is it you want to say?
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