Mike Hennigan
You can put them in a neon pink pot. I think our aesthetic understanding of which pots suit a conifer is ever expanding. When bonsai culture was first established in the United States I think the ideas around which pots are suitable for conifers was limited to a very narrow field of “brown”. Probably more narrow than how the Japanese potted their conifers at the time. Take for example wood fired pottery. If you put an “unglazed” pot into a wood kiln it will always come out glazed. Maybe very lightly glazed depending on the firing, but the wood ash deposits interacting with the clay does essentially create a glaze. I love the wood fired sheen of Tom Benda’s “unglazed” pots. You will notice a distinct difference between these and an unglazed electric fired pot. Going on this alone, you will find that many people put conifers in “glazed” pots. Technically speaking. It’s just depends on if it looks right to you or the intended viewer. That’s my ramble.Again, thanks for the kind words and encouragement. I know that Conifers are not supposed to be put in glossy, glazed pots, but can I put them in pots that have a matt glaze or an underglaze? I tried to worked with washes and those things are crazy!