Need guidance with Fukien tea


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Barcelona, Spain
Hi all, last year I got into this hobby and took care of two trees, one is still alive and the other one I killed it after around 10 months more or less. That was in the balearic islands, but couple of months ago I had to move to Barcelona so I kind of stopped my tree adventure. Last week my girl got me my first bonsai (a Fukien Tea) in this city so I can continue taking care of trees, but I think the flat where I live is not very suitable for growing trees. I've read the begginer walkthrough and the wiki but I still wanna ask for some advice here...

First, I'm not sure where to put the tree right now since its winter and I'm thinking of waiting a month or two before putting it outside since at night it gets too cold, like around 9 ºC, maybe less deep into the night (7 ºC more or less?). I'm afraid that could be too cold for the tree but at the same time I want to have it the less time possible indoors... Right now I have it very next to a window but I kind of feel bad for him. Question is, do you think it's too cold out there for him, or should I still keep it indoor until it's good enough outside? Right now the tree has direct sunlight for like 2 hours a day (from 12 to 14pm more or less).

The other thing is that it has what I think are some mealy bugs under the leaves and I want to get rid of it as soon as possible... I attached a picture of the bugs too, so If someone could just confirm it's mealy bugs and maybe a tip on how to get rid of them, for now I just took a little stick with alcohol and get all I could see.

Thanks in advance for everything, cheers!


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Spaniard Spaniard!

I am entertained.

Welcome to Crazy!

Needs to be closer to the window. I would stay safe and keep it indoors for now. Put it outside when night temperature stays above 8°C. What are you referring to when you say the beginners walkthrough and wiki? It seems like you're referring to Reddit r/bonsai but many people here won't know what that is.
Thanks all. I can try to put it closer to the window but I'm afraid not too much. Why do you say so, do you think it needs like more direct sun light hours or more light in general?
Peterbone, about the walkthrough and wiki, yes, I'm afraid a did a copy-paste and forgot to substract the Reddit related content, I'm sorry.

Thanks for replying!
Thanks all. I can try to put it closer to the window but I'm afraid not too much. Why do you say so, do you think it needs like more direct sun light hours or more light in general?
Peterbone, about the walkthrough and wiki, yes, I'm afraid a did a copy-paste and forgot to substract the Reddit related content, I'm sorry.

Thanks for replying!
The amount of light decreases rapidly the further you get from the window. Your eyes adapt automatically so you normally don't notice. Think of it in terms of the proportion of the sky that the tree can see. Position the tree right next to the glass and it can see almost half the sky. Move it a few inches further back and it can see much less. Put it a metre away and it can only see about 10%. Trees have evolved to grow above everything else and so are not adapted to low light.
Alcohol is common and works on the critters; however, they are a common house plant problem so I’d be treating that plant on the table next to your tree as well.
I've put it a little bit closer to the window and separated from the other plant. I will keep it up with the alcohol and hope these bugs go away. Hope it survives the indoor era before I can put it outside...

Ps: it looks a bit dry, gonna water it these afternoon when sun goes away


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Can you open that shutter fully? Also, why not water while it's sunny?

My mom told me it's better to wait so it does not get hot and wet at the same time which can cause fungui or other problems? Is this a mistake?
I can open the shutter fully but a lot of cold wind gets in. I could maybe open while it gets a lot of sun so it does not get so much cold...
By the way if you meant that grey door outside the window I cannot open it more that's it...
My mom told me it's better to wait so it does not get hot and wet at the same time which can cause fungui or other problems? Is this a mistake?
I can open the shutter fully but a lot of cold wind gets in. I could maybe open while it gets a lot of sun so it does not get so much cold...
Yes, that's an old gardening myth that you shouldn't water when it's sunny. The normal reason given is that rain droplets act like a lens and burn the leaves, which won't actually happen. I've never heard about it causing fungus problems but that doesn't make sense either. Plants need more water when it's sunny, so give it to them.
Peter is giving you good advice. This species loves humidity, something that is often devoid indoors in winter months. Therefore, your tree could benefit from periodic misting as well as the consideration of a humidity tray, especially in winter.
Okay so I've just watered thoroughly and left the bonsai on a dish where i've left just a little bit of the filtered water. The soil seems to filter water very nice so that's cool. I've misted just a little bit and opened the shutter as much as possible.

I think I can give the tree all it needs while the heat arrives.

Thanks everybody.


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